A Thousand Kisses Deep by Ann Wilson Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “A Thousand Kisses Deep” by Ann Wilson from the album Immortal (2018)? More than 135 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A Thousand Kisses Deep”.
Quote from the song “A Thousand Kisses Deep” by Ann Wilson
The ponies run, the girls are young
The odds are there to beat
You win a while, and then it's done
Your little winning streak
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat
You live your life as if it’s real
A thousand kisses deep
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A Thousand Kisses Deep”
- Featuring: Ben Mink
- Produced: Ann Wilson, Mike Flicker
- Written: Sharon Robinson, Leonard Cohen
- Release Date: September 14, 2018
Additional Information About the Sample “A Thousand Kisses Deep”:
- A Thousand Kisses Deep Is A Cover Of: A Thousand Kisses Deep by Leonard Cohen (Ft. Sharon Robinson)
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A Thousand Kisses Deep” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A Thousand Kisses Deep” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
The ponies run, the girls are young
The odds are there to beat
You win a while, and then it's done
Your little winning streak
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat
You live your life as if it’s real
A thousand kisses deep
I'm turning tricks, I'm getting fixed
I’m back on Boogie Street
You lose your grip, and then you slip
Into the masterpiece
And maybe I had miles to drive
And promises to keep
You ditch it all to stay alive
A thousand kisses deep
And sometimes when the night is slow
The wretched and the meek
We gather up our hearts and go
A thousand kisses deep
Confined to sex, we pressed against
The limits of the sea
I saw there were no oceans left
For scavengers like me
I made it to the forward deck
I blessed our remnant fleet
And then consented to be wrecked
A thousand kisses deep
I'm turning tricks, I'm getting fixed
I'm back on Boogie Street
I guess they won't exchange the gifts
That you were meant to keep
And quiet is the thought of you
The file on you complete
Except what we forgot to do
A thousand kisses deep
And sometimes when the night is slow
The wretched and the meek
We gather up our hearts and go
A thousand kisses deep
The ponies run, the girls are young
The odds are there to beat
You win a while, and then it's done
Your little winning streak
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat
You live your life as if it's real
A thousand kisses deep