Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage by American Head Charge Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage” by American Head Charge (2015)? More than 191 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage”.

Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage en Lyrics [American Head Charge]
Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage” by American Head Charge

Walk with an impure mind
Revelations unkind
Abject dental of the flesh I feel
Endure and make my mind
Its never time to start
Believing everything will all work out
Bloody knuckles
Empty cavity
Swift disposal
Empty cavity
Weve blinded ourselves sick
To create room for it
Never arriving when its needed most
Anticipation burns
Unquenchable we learn
Left holding nothing but the will to live
Bloody knuckles
Empty cavity
Swift disposal
Empty cavity

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Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage lyrics [American Head Charge]

American Head Charge: Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Americ Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Walk with an impure mind
Revelations unkind
Abject dental of the flesh I feel
Endure and make my mind
Its never time to start
Believing everything will all work out
Bloody knuckles
Empty cavity
Swift disposal
Empty cavity
Weve blinded ourselves sick
To create room for it
Never arriving when its needed most
Anticipation burns
Unquenchable we learn
Left holding nothing but the will to live
Bloody knuckles
Empty cavity
Swift disposal
Empty cavity



Negative takes its toll
Constant release and hold
Beware the trust that you
Instill in me
Beware the trust that you


Beware the trust I instill in me
Bloody knuckles
Empty cavity
Swift disposal
Empty cavity
Choke it up
Choke it back
Choke it down
Choke it away