Thrown Idols by Airiel Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Thrown Idols” by Airiel from the album The Battle of Sealand (2007)? More than 58 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Thrown Idols”.

Thrown Idols en Lyrics [Airiel]
Thrown Idols English Lyrics Album The Battle of Sealand

Quote from the song “Thrown Idols” by Airiel

I watched the sea kiss your feet
What a trail you made running through the waves
I tried to follow your path
But the shells and teeth cut through my feet
Oh how your eyes shone in the sunlight
Then you held me close said you'd be mine
Yes i know that you weren't really there
Just a creative device but I don't really care
I'll take you out of my heart because you're always there
Does the ending draw near?
Doesn't time take it's toll
It dulls romance and fades the soul
And though we gave our best try
Yet despite our hopes, it still seems to die
Oh how your tears shone
In the moonlight
Let each other go said our goodbyes

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Thrown Idols lyrics [Airiel]

Airiel: Thrown Idols Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Thrown Idols” Released in 2007

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Thrown Idols” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I watched the sea kiss your feet
What a trail you made running through the waves
I tried to follow your path
But the shells and teeth cut through my feet
Oh how your eyes shone in the sunlight
Then you held me close said you'd be mine
Yes i know that you weren't really there
Just a creative device but I don't really care
I'll take you out of my heart because you're always there
Does the ending draw near?
Doesn't time take it's toll
It dulls romance and fades the soul
And though we gave our best try
Yet despite our hopes, it still seems to die
Oh how your tears shone
In the moonlight
Let each other go said our goodbyes