Looking for the English lyrics to “SILENT NIGHT” by AB (2020)? More than 24 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “SILENT NIGHT”.

SILENT NIGHT English Lyrics

Quote from the song “SILENT NIGHT” by AB


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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “SILENT NIGHT”

  • Featuring: A DELG, NoTTPoTT
  • SILENT NIGHT Is A Cover Of: Silent Night, Holy Night by John Freeman Young
  • Release Date:

SILENT NIGHT lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: SILENT NIGHT lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “SILENT NIGHT”:

  • Featuring: A DELG, NoTTPoTT
  • rn
  • SILENT NIGHT Is A Cover Of: Silent Night, Holy Night by John Freeman Young

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “SILENT NIGHT” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “SILENT NIGHT” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Little E spitting words
Ima fox your a bird
You think your sick but your songs are trash
Out here destroying quick as flash
Ruining your name will be easy for me
I’m sat here writing with a cuppa tea
Checkmate this checkmate that
Shut the fuck up you ginger twat
No one likes you and that’s the truth
Your songs are so bad you got me in the booth
I got some dirt that you thought I would forget
Child pornography now you’ll start to sweat
A year 7 are you fucking mad
Didn’t wanna make you angry
Didn’t wanna make you sad
Back In year 7 when you sent to tia
That ain’t forgotten and it won’t disappear
My bars are weak I don’t care
But you better be worried and I hope you scare
Your YouTube subs are fake and how much money did you spend on the channel to try and be funny
My verse is over but hold your breath
Danny’s on the mic so prepare for death

Get on my level
I speak to the devil
You that, that shit so bevel
Man go crazy, your girl lazy
I’ll spark you out like any dayz
The problem with that yeah
You still wanted to chat
To me that’s indicating that right now you want to scrap
See this shit right here
It’s really not hard for me
Right now I’m hearing a way up as your little e
Yeah I know him
The bender wannabe
I’m here with you, you can’t spit bars with me
And course I know he is a big pussy
Onto you Aaron now you get reckon g
Let’s drown puss boy in our Hennessy
I’ll give you the count down like 1,2,3

Yh aaron my brother
Get reckon
Just checking
Pottsy on the beat

Lil e you think your perfect
Your rhymes are trash but they ain’t working
Lil e we the Brecon boys stab to the chest like do do Dennis
Stab the back like your voice makes a crack
Don’t come at me or any of us coz if you
Do you’ll get that f..fist to the mouth
Lil e you think your huge
I’ll punch your nose to make you look like Scrooge
I ain’t a rapper but I’m better than you
This song is better than your first debut
Sorry we did this it had to be done
It’s over now I think we’ve won
So sit down listen up
This is our game you egotistical fuck