Dream Shatterer by A Serpent’s Hand Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Dream Shatterer” by A Serpent’s Hand (2020)? More than 198 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Dream Shatterer”.

Dream Shatterer en Lyrics [A Serpent’s Hand]
Dream Shatterer English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Dream Shatterer” by A Serpent’s Hand

Your dreams are nothing but a reality
And in the reality you can have all that you cannot have now


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Dream Shatterer lyrics [A Serpent’s Hand]

A Serpent’s Hand: Dream Shatterer Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Dream Shatterer”

A Serpent’s Hand - “Dream Shatterer” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of A Serpent’s Hand will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Dream Shatterer?
  • Where is Dream Shatterer music video clip?
  • Who was in the Dream Shatterer official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Dream Shatterer?
  • What is the meaning of the song Dream Shatterer?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Dream Shatterer”

  • Produced: Kailin Luebbe
  • Written: Kailin Luebbe
  • Release Date: August 21, 2020

Dream Shatterer lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Dream Shatterer lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Dream Shatterer” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Dream Shatterer” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Your dreams are nothing but a reality
And in the reality you can have all that you cannot have now

Can you feel the anger
Can you feel the pain
Can you hear his laugh
Can you fuel is hate

This is the result of
Choice in a hate filled world
Seize of life a species
In heat and in hunger

No pain
No vengeance
When I am alone
Where I am
I cannot
Feel the spotlight cast upon

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill mе

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surroundеd by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me
Can you feel the anger
Can you feel the pain
Can you hear his laugh
Can you fuel is hate

The fear inside my head
(Destroy all my feelings)
Letting myself give in
(Take away my soul)

No pain
No vengeance
When I am alone
Where I am
I cannot
Feel the spotlight cast upon

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me
Will I get myself out of this nightmare
That I'm trapped in far along?

No pain
No vengeance
When I am alone
Where I am
I cannot
Feel the spotlight cast upon

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me

This anxiety is killing me
I'm in a crowd of familiar faces
Surrounded by the feeling
That the dream shatterer is trying to kill me