There Is A Flower by Youth choir BALSIS Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “There Is A Flower” by Youth choir BALSIS from the album BALSIS Pusnaktī / Voices at Midnight (2000)? More than 195 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “There Is A Flower”.
Quote from the song “There Is A Flower” by Youth choir BALSIS
There is a flower sprung from a tree
The root thereof is called Jesse
A flower of great worth
There is no other such in paradise
This flower is fair and fresh of hue
It fades never, but ever is new
The blessed branch where this flower grew
Was Mary mild who bore Jesu
A flower of grace
Against all sorrow it is solace
The seed thereof was of God's sending
Which God himself sowed with his hand
In Bethlehem, in that holy land
Within her garden he found her there
This blessed flower
Sprang never but in Mary's bower
When Gabriel this maiden met
With "Ave, Maria," he her greeted
Between them two this flower was set
And was kept, no man should know it
Until one day
In Bethlehem, it began to spread and spray
When that flower began to spread
And his blossom to bud
Rich and poor of every seed
They marvelled how this flower might spread
Until kings three
That blessed flower came to see
Angels there came out of their tower
To look upon this fresh flower
How fair he was in his colour
And how sweet in his savour
And to behold
How such a flower might spring amid the cold. Of lily, of rose on branch
Of primrose, and of fleur-de-lys
Of all the flowers I can think of
That flower of Jesse yet bears the prize
As the best remedy
To ease our sorrows in every part. I pray you, flowers of this country
Wherever ye go, wherever ye be
Hold up the flower of good Jesse
Above your freshness and your beauty
As fairest of all
Which ever was and ever shall be
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Official Music Video Song “There Is A Flower”
Youth choir BALSIS - “There Is A Flower” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Youth choir BALSIS will answer the following questions:
- What song samples There Is A Flower?
- Where is There Is A Flower music video clip?
- Who was in the There Is A Flower official music video?
- Who sang the popular song There Is A Flower?
- What is the meaning of the song There Is A Flower?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “There Is A Flower”
- Featuring: Agita Ikauniece, Ints Teterovskis
- Produced: Ints Teterovskis
- Written: John Audeley, John Rutter
- Release Date: December 1, 2000
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “There Is A Flower” Released in 2000
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “There Is A Flower” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
There is a flower sprung from a tree
The root thereof is called Jesse
A flower of great worth
There is no other such in paradise
This flower is fair and fresh of hue
It fades never, but ever is new
The blessed branch where this flower grew
Was Mary mild who bore Jesu
A flower of grace
Against all sorrow it is solace
The seed thereof was of God's sending
Which God himself sowed with his hand
In Bethlehem, in that holy land
Within her garden he found her there
This blessed flower
Sprang never but in Mary's bower
When Gabriel this maiden met
With "Ave, Maria," he her greeted
Between them two this flower was set
And was kept, no man should know it
Until one day
In Bethlehem, it began to spread and spray
When that flower began to spread
And his blossom to bud
Rich and poor of every seed
They marvelled how this flower might spread
Until kings three
That blessed flower came to see
Angels there came out of their tower
To look upon this fresh flower
How fair he was in his colour
And how sweet in his savour
And to behold
How such a flower might spring amid the cold. Of lily, of rose on branch
Of primrose, and of fleur-de-lys
Of all the flowers I can think of
That flower of Jesse yet bears the prize
As the best remedy
To ease our sorrows in every part. I pray you, flowers of this country
Wherever ye go, wherever ye be
Hold up the flower of good Jesse
Above your freshness and your beauty
As fairest of all
Which ever was and ever shall be