Frantic Framing by Young Lincoln [Band] Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Frantic Framing” by Young Lincoln [Band] from the album Bethel, ME (2017)? More than 52 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Frantic Framing”.
Quote from the song “Frantic Framing” by Young Lincoln [Band]
Sweet nothings on a hammock
You were laughing as you sang
We didn't know it was the old days
The Sun rose slow and we began
I would like to hold your secrets
Oh, hold my head against your chest
I was melting in the silence
But time passes, we forget
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Frantic Framing” Released in 2017
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Frantic Framing” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
Sweet nothings on a hammock
You were laughing as you sang
We didn't know it was the old days
The Sun rose slow and we began
I would like to hold your secrets
Oh, hold my head against your chest
I was melting in the silence
But time passes, we forget
[Verse 2]
Did you hear me say
I'd do anything? I was
Scared you'd walk away from me
I'm so in love
[Verse 3]
Those fields were gone when we left them
I learned that the hard way, through my
Frantic framing of old 35s, they're fading
[Verse 4]
We don't yell these days
We just refuse to look
Each other in the face
We felt so comfortable
Can we talk like it's still last year?
Can we pretend that we're still new here?
I think I've finally found a home