Birthday V2 by XGhost 333 Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Birthday V2” by XGhost 333 (2021)? More than 60 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Birthday V2”.

Birthday V2 en Lyrics [XGhost 333]
Birthday V2 English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Birthday V2” by XGhost 333

Ma7adi kanzid n3ich kanzid n3rf che7al ana khayb
Ma7adi kan3ich kanzid n9os bnadm o nweli ghayb
Ma7adi kola nhar kanlewi kan3rf nasse7 lk ghur ghrib
3reft l7el huwa kola birthday n9tol rassi a khelliwh b3id dak tbib

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Birthday V2 lyrics [XGhost 333]

XGhost 333: Birthday V2 Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Birthday V2”

XGhost 333 - “Birthday V2” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of XGhost 333 will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Birthday V2?
  • Where is Birthday V2 music video clip?
  • Who was in the Birthday V2 official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Birthday V2?
  • What is the meaning of the song Birthday V2?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Birthday V2”

  • Produced: JustDan Beats
  • Written: XGhost 333
  • Release Date: November 25, 2021

Birthday V2 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Birthday V2 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Birthday V2” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Birthday V2” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Paroles de Xghost "Birthday V2"]


Ma7adi kanzid n3ich kanzid n3rf che7al ana khayb
Ma7adi kan3ich kanzid n9os bnadm o nweli ghayb
Ma7adi kola nhar kanlewi kan3rf nasse7 lk ghur ghrib
3reft l7el huwa kola birthday n9tol rassi a khelliwh b3id dak tbib

[Couplet 1]

Happy birthday AD-SA nchofok ncha allah b 3a9lek o baghi
Ndirk m3ak gelsa rass f rass n9etlo chitan li taghi 
Fel 7a9i9a rak madayr walo 7yatk hadik mlk wach chafer lblaghy
Kolchi hna baghik tghlat o izidi itchifaw bla madir nta dakchy li baghi
Is7aboni weak sde9t john
Ghost rider meet o ana jeune
Mat dream west ballon
Galo most9ablai 3ndhom me2mon
Che7al gedi n7lem bel paradis
O ana 3aych lhell o raaadi
F tri9 formila one ghadi
Kamla 3awja ma3rftch fin ghi m3edi
Father sorry makantch li bghity
Mother sorry makhalitkch thannity
Babe glt lk 3endi db hania lamchity
3rfty 3lach 7yt l'broken side meni li khdity
Ba9i nefs ana li darha b yeddo
Mo7al wach 9arino f dnobo geddo
Wach I'm solder men devil wach i9rbo la 9еddo


Ba9i stylo f idi ba9i mabgha i7bes lktaba
Afkary m3aya fidèle rassi 3amr f7al chi mktaba
Birthday Hawa wsel ndеwzo ghur rassi kanfedel
Dmaghi 3awtani 7sel wach 3awtani antebdel

[Couplet 2]

Glest Dert m3a dmaghi stinta9
L9ito mehers khasso li ta9
Ma ta9 ta7ed ta men rifa9
O ba9i men douse ma fa
Bo7di li cheft rassi mkerfes
Jocker ana men ldakhel mhares
Zidny imane tchofny m7assen
Zidni drogue mo7al tchofni 7sen
Rap dwa khal9t beh fonction
Khellatny tayr i don't need doctor
Happy birthday to Me nzid zeghba f dmagh
Wakha lokhrin chabo o khelaw faragh
Love 9telto ldakhel khellit ghur blasa
Feh family o khot li majm3anach a gelsa
Da7ka real m9eyda f death note
Kan3a9eb rassi mora kol faut
Fo9 lpain o kangol l 3chba 7na khout
La kina ndiro lfan o nta d7ek ghur skot
Ba9i makhrejtch kolchi khasni nejma3
Chweya l'inspi o b bagages nerja3
Wakha Small devil f dmaghi kitfr3
Anb9a ana the real AD-SA bla ma ntsena3


Ba9i stylo f idi ba9i mabgha i7bes lktaba
Afkary m3aya fidèle rassi 3amr f7al chi mktaba
Birthday Hawa wsel ndewzo ghur rassi kanfedel
Dmaghi 3awtani 7sel wach 3awtani antebdel