Suicide Cargoload by Woods of Ypres Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Suicide Cargoload” by Woods of Ypres from the album Woods IV: The Green Album (2009)? More than 104 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Suicide Cargoload”.
Quote from the song “Suicide Cargoload” by Woods of Ypres
Drag that fuckin' weight, man
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin' anchor across the rocks
Push that mountain into the sea
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Suicide Cargoload”
- Produced: David Gold, Miguel Gauthier
- Written: David Gold
- Drums: Evan Madden
- Bass: Shane Madden
- Lead Guitars: Bryan Belleau
- Guitars: David Gold
- Lyrics: David Gold
- Vocals: David Gold
- Recorded At: Stereo Soul Studios, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
- Release Date: November 13, 2009
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Suicide Cargoload” Released in 2009
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Suicide Cargoload” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Drag that fuckin' weight, man
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin' anchor across the rocks
Push that mountain into the sea
Drag that weight
Over foreign landscapes
Drag that weight
Drag that fuckin' weight. man
Drag that weight and breathe
I ache, I moan
I'm hurt, I'm weak
Drag that weight
Over foreign landscapes
Drag that weight
Like a ten ton stone statue
Standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land
Where you don't speak the language there
Like a ten ton stone statue
Standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land
Where you don't speak the language
I feel so heavy, man
I feel so heavy, man
So I drag that weight
And I drag that weight
Over foreign landscapes
Drag that fuckin' weight, man
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin' anchor across the rocks
Push that mountain into the sea
Drag that weight
Over foreign landscapes
And I drag that weight
Slow and heavy