Love You by Web (UK) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Love You” by Web (UK) from the album I Spider (1970)? More than 153 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Love You”.

Love You en Lyrics [Web (UK)]
Love You English Lyrics Album I Spider

Quote from the song “Love You” by Web (UK)

Hey, girl, I thought I'd call you up
To say I love you but that's not strictly true
You playgirl, I'd like to join the queue that seek your favours
There's something on my mind, you'll find out soon enough

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Love You lyrics [Web (UK)]

Web (UK): Love You Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Love You”

  • Written: Dave Lawson
  • Release Date:

Love You lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Love You lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Love You”:

  • Written: Dave Lawson

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Love You” Released in 1970

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Love You” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Hey, girl, I thought I'd call you up
To say I love you but that's not strictly true
You playgirl, I'd like to join the queue that seek your favours
There's something on my mind, you'll find out soon enough

I've written you letters so you won't forget me
I've taken you out from time to time to time
And who can tell? One day you may even let me love you

I'm calling you up to make a reservation
I'm waiting my turn until you're mine, all mine
Although I can say without much hesitation, love you

And if you'd let me love you
I'd be so very gеntle
Soft lights and incidental music

And if you'd let mе love you
I'd be so very gentle
Soft lights and incidental music

I won't be content with only half an answer
The one that you give to all the other guys
I think you're afraid that given half the chance to love you
I'd really love you, please let me love you