Shrimp Boy by Warblefly Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Shrimp Boy” by Warblefly from the album Tenerife to Dover (2008)? More than 115 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Shrimp Boy”.

Shrimp Boy en Lyrics [Warblefly]
Shrimp Boy English Lyrics Album Tenerife to Dover

Quote from the song “Shrimp Boy” by Warblefly

I haven't got any money
Me bladder is ripe with pain
The winkles may be welcome
Me muscles are aching again
I'm sitting in my rock pool
Been here for days
I'm waiting for the tide to come and take me away

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Shrimp Boy lyrics [Warblefly]

Warblefly: Shrimp Boy Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Shrimp Boy”

Warblefly - “Shrimp Boy” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Warblefly will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Shrimp Boy?
  • Where is Shrimp Boy music video clip?
  • Who was in the Shrimp Boy official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Shrimp Boy?
  • What is the meaning of the song Shrimp Boy?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Shrimp Boy”

  • Written: Warblefly
  • Release Date: June 1, 2008

Shrimp Boy lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Shrimp Boy lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Shrimp Boy” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Shrimp Boy” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I haven't got any money
Me bladder is ripe with pain
The winkles may be welcome
Me muscles are aching again
I'm sitting in my rock pool
Been here for days
I'm waiting for the tide to come and take me away


Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes
Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes

[Verse 2]

I woke up with a bastard behind my compound eyes
The day was already scorching as the sun began to rise
The tide was turning
There was no where left to hide
And all my selfish

[? 1:26]

were microscopic sized


Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes
Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes


When I woke up soaking wet this morning
It must have been high tide
And I heard the screams of laughing children
Its time to swim and hide

[Verse 3]

There is a shadow in the pool
There is fear in crustacean hearts
Our wielding is net the boilings to tear the world apart
There is blinding light in my eyes as the rock is rolled aside and the surface shatters as shrimp boy leaves no place to hide


Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes
Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes


And I woke up soaking wet this morning
It must have been high tide
And I head the screams of laughing children
Its time to swim and hide

[Verse 4]

The world is not my oyster
Its a barnacle to me
A drinking tabernacle with its cock down to its knees
And it builds its brittle fortress as a defense against the tide
But these walls will not protect me from those predatory eyes
A tide that turns makes my gills burn
The tide that turns makes my gills burn
The moon
The moon spins around
Makes the tide
The tide turn around
I thought in here I'd find
The sanctuary
Thought in here I'd find the sanctuary


Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes
Here comes shrimp boy
Swim for your lives
He stands with his neck poised, the planetary eyes