Hey, Lazerlips by Versus The Night Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Hey, Lazerlips” by Versus The Night from the album There Is No Such Place as Away (2006)? More than 197 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Hey, Lazerlips”.
Quote from the song “Hey, Lazerlips” by Versus The Night
In the desert you will find me, malfunctioning malcontent that I am
I spend my days staking out the warmth, the light, the life that's denied me here stuck inside this sweet metallicorpse. And when the moment comes I have my six-shooter at hand, I shoot at my android version of will
If this is all they're aiming for then why'd they even try?
If I'm the sum of the progress of mankind.....
If entertainment's the object of this game I've saved the best joke in my book until the last......
One two - I calculate (then)
C D - I'm learning....
By friday I'm in fucking love
A clockwork heart is hard to break, but that being said, it's even tougher still to mend
I'd cry if tears were all it took to convince the world that I am more than a machine. I'd scream if that wasn't mistook for a meltdown of the processes that constitute myself
So I'm out for revenge, I'm picking off foes and friends because they all amount to one, and that or zero is where I'm from
I swear that I don't dream of electric sheep and......
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Hey, Lazerlips” Released in 2006
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Hey, Lazerlips” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
In the desert you will find me, malfunctioning malcontent that I am
I spend my days staking out the warmth, the light, the life that's denied me here stuck inside this sweet metallicorpse. And when the moment comes I have my six-shooter at hand, I shoot at my android version of will
If this is all they're aiming for then why'd they even try?
If I'm the sum of the progress of mankind.....
If entertainment's the object of this game I've saved the best joke in my book until the last......
One two - I calculate (then)
C D - I'm learning....
By friday I'm in fucking love
A clockwork heart is hard to break, but that being said, it's even tougher still to mend
I'd cry if tears were all it took to convince the world that I am more than a machine. I'd scream if that wasn't mistook for a meltdown of the processes that constitute myself
So I'm out for revenge, I'm picking off foes and friends because they all amount to one, and that or zero is where I'm from
I swear that I don't dream of electric sheep and......