Losing Interest by UNT¡TLED Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Losing Interest” by UNT¡TLED from the album Shadow (2020)? More than 201 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Losing Interest”.

Losing Interest en Lyrics [UNT¡TLED]
Losing Interest English Lyrics Album Shadow

Quote from the song “Losing Interest” by UNT¡TLED

Losing Interest
You won't find no better than me
I swear girl, if you leave
Just let me know so I won't look dumb
When you move on


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Losing Interest lyrics [UNT¡TLED]

UNT¡TLED: Losing Interest Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Losing Interest”

UNT¡TLED - “Losing Interest” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of UNT¡TLED will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Losing Interest?
  • Where is Losing Interest music video clip?
  • Who was in the Losing Interest official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Losing Interest?
  • What is the meaning of the song Losing Interest?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Losing Interest”

  • Written: UNT¡TLED
  • Release Date: September 5, 2020

Losing Interest lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Losing Interest lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Losing Interest” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Losing Interest” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Intro: Pablo & Marwane]

Losing Interest
You won't find no better than me
I swear girl, if you leave
Just let me know so I won't look dumb
When you move on

[Verse 1: Marwane]

Trust when I’m saying ain’t got no time
Told’em get ready... playing online
Saw ‘em laughing last night, saying success ain’t mine
Sipping on a drink I’m waiting for the right time
For the right time
Whoo whoo
For the right time
Sipping on a drink I’m waiting for the right time
I’ll stop the murder when mama wake up all fine
I’ll stop the murder when mama wake up all fine
Never heard from my father "how you been son ?"
Never heard from my father ‘till the day I die
Mother fuckers never cared about my timeline
See them crazy in the club now
I put the work and bring the cash down
Really started from the bottom
Yeah they know me I don’t know em’
Now you get it I’m the ... you should worry ‘bout
Want it want it
Get it get it
Need it
Want it
Get it
Stand up motherfucker get it
Want it want it
Get it get it
Need it
Want it
Get it
Stand up motherfucker get it

[Bridge: Pablo Nav & Marwane]

Just let me know
So I won't, nahh
So I won't
Just le me know
If you're numb

[Verse 2: Pablo Nav]

Hi babe you the most kinda most
Yes she was on the way but the girl didn’t want it
Heart break yeah I know what you gonna say
She was feelin’ pain and no one couldn’t stop it
No me para de mirar pero
Pero no me vuelvo a enamorar
And when I drip drip drip
I pull up full in car
I woke up all the motherfuckers that were keeping her
Me pregunto donde anda
Se que hay un loco en la calle que que quiere que la partan
Y no tengo el tiempo para charlas
Estamos dispuestos pa’ que le parta con mi banda
No sabe lo que lo que le espera
Estamos juntos listos papa’ lo que lo que sea
Hay sangre en la acera
Pero no me no me paran
Ya llego la policia
Y me y me di disparan