Silence by Threnody Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Silence” by Threnody (2015)? More than 111 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Silence”.

Silence en Lyrics [Threnody]
Silence English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Silence” by Threnody

My friends, don't weep for me
As I explore new lands
I write this final chapter
With grief and laughter
This book, my story
All things come to an end
This book, my story
Silence, as I descend
My friends, don't cry for me
For I have lived
This life, wanting to be free
In your memories I'll always be
This book, my story
All things come to an end
This book, my story
Silence, as I descend

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Silence lyrics [Threnody]

Threnody: Silence Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Silence” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Silence” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

My friends, don't weep for me
As I explore new lands
I write this final chapter
With grief and laughter
This book, my story
All things come to an end
This book, my story
Silence, as I descend
My friends, don't cry for me
For I have lived
This life, wanting to be free
In your memories I'll always be
This book, my story
All things come to an end
This book, my story
Silence, as I descend