New Sensation by This Time Next Year Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “New Sensation” by This Time Next Year from the album Road Maps and Heart Attacks (2009)? More than 73 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “New Sensation”.

New Sensation en Lyrics [This Time Next Year]
New Sensation English Lyrics Album Road Maps and Heart Attacks

Quote from the song “New Sensation” by This Time Next Year

Tonight I'll laugh myself asleep again
To the same old swan songs I just keep hearing
And you strike every nerve with your pretensions
Always the butt of the joke when no one's laughing

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New Sensation lyrics [This Time Next Year]

This Time Next Year: New Sensation Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “New Sensation”

This Time Next Year - “New Sensation” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of This Time Next Year will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples New Sensation?
  • Where is New Sensation music video clip?
  • Who was in the New Sensation official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song New Sensation?
  • What is the meaning of the song New Sensation?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “New Sensation”

  • Produced: Kyle Weider, Pete Grossmann, Brian McTernan
  • Label: Equal Vision Records
  • Mixed: Brian McTernan
  • Mastered: Ryan Smith
  • Vocals: Pete Dowdalls, Brad Wiseman
  • Guitar: Brad Wiseman, Denis Cohen
  • Engineer: Brian McTernan, Kory Gable
  • Drums: Aaron Seminoff
  • Bass: Tony Allio
  • Release Date: 2009

New Sensation lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: New Sensation lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “New Sensation” Released in 2009

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “New Sensation” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1: Pete Dowdalls, Brad Wiseman]

Tonight I'll laugh myself asleep again
To the same old swan songs I just keep hearing
And you strike every nerve with your pretensions
Always the butt of the joke when no one's laughing

[Chorus: Pete Dowdalls]

You wanted the role, now you're playing the part
They're dying to be just like you
So sing us a song where we can't sing along
And you're the new sensation
New sensation

[Verse 1: Pete Dowdalls, Brad Wiseman]

I'm better off with my two left feet
You're no goddamned messiah with the answers to everything
I know that hell is other people
I know I'll lose my mind
I need some inspiration

[Pre-Chorus: Pete Dowdalls, Brad Wiseman, Both]

I've grown sick
Slick bullshit
Eat your heart out
This song's about you

[Chorus: Pete Dowdalls]

You wanted the role, now you're playing the part
They're dying to be just like you
So sing us a song where we can't sing along
And you're the new sensation
New sensation

[Bridge: Pete Dowdalls]

Who needs a spine anyway?
Without a backbone, it's just aesthetics
And it's just aesthetics, oh yeah
Can't take the noise anymore
Pry up the floorboards and raise the dead
It's time to raise the dead, oh yeah

[Chorus: Pete Dowdalls]

You wanted the role, now you're playing the part
They're dying to be just like you
So sing us a song where we can't sing along
And you're the new sensation
New sensation