Mind Of An Emcee by TheSwiftHD Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Mind Of An Emcee” by TheSwiftHD (2020)? More than 22 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Mind Of An Emcee”.

Mind Of An Emcee en Lyrics [TheSwiftHD]
Mind Of An Emcee English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Mind Of An Emcee” by TheSwiftHD

Now Look Into the Eyes Of The Mind
All Refined and Defined, Interlined to
Combine the Opinionated Masses
Down to Piles of all the Ashes
All crashing into earth, always word packing
In a verse, ransacking it's a curse
On the verging of the end, I won't pretend
To make amends with the pain
That's all insane in my lane
All insane in my lane to be tamed
With acclaim with no shame
When I'm stuck in a ruck with no
Luck and it sucks, it's alive on a strive
Of the vibe to the ether beneath ya
When you breathe, slash lyrically
Knee the limitations of the mind in a major spree
A major spree, now where is the mind of an emcee?


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Mind Of An Emcee lyrics [TheSwiftHD]

TheSwiftHD: Mind Of An Emcee Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Mind Of An Emcee”

TheSwiftHD - “Mind Of An Emcee” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of TheSwiftHD will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Mind Of An Emcee?
  • Where is Mind Of An Emcee music video clip?
  • Who was in the Mind Of An Emcee official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Mind Of An Emcee?
  • What is the meaning of the song Mind Of An Emcee?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Mind Of An Emcee”

  • Produced: AtmA Beats
  • Release Date:

Mind Of An Emcee lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Mind Of An Emcee lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Mind Of An Emcee”:

  • Produced: AtmA Beats

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Mind Of An Emcee” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Mind Of An Emcee” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Now Look Into the Eyes Of The Mind
All Refined and Defined, Interlined to
Combine the Opinionated Masses
Down to Piles of all the Ashes
All crashing into earth, always word packing
In a verse, ransacking it's a curse
On the verging of the end, I won't pretend
To make amends with the pain
That's all insane in my lane
All insane in my lane to be tamed
With acclaim with no shame
When I'm stuck in a ruck with no
Luck and it sucks, it's alive on a strive
Of the vibe to the ether beneath ya
When you breathe, slash lyrically
Knee the limitations of the mind in a major spree
A major spree, now where is the mind of an emcee?

Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?
Where is The Mind Of an Emcee?

Now Where is The Mind Of An Emcee
When you're realising education
Self-realization, in reiteration, no complication

Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?
Where is The Mind Of an Emcee?

When you're educating, self realisation
In reiteration, never limitations

They say this and That to Abyss they map
Or maybe perhaps they're cleaning traps
So please relax for a long duration
Toxic radiation is accelerating throughout
The nation, so my realities individuality
But going down like the force of gravity
Where's the personality, that overbears the whole
Human ear with the fuming fears of accumulation
It's the education of communication, self-education
Plus the dedication
And by the way, I hate manipulation that's forever baking
In the flowing of fire which goes and wires to defiers
Of liars, defiers of liars

Now, where is the mind of an emcee?
Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?

When you're educating
Self-realization, in reiteration, no complication
Now, where is the mind of an emcee?
Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?

When you're educating
Self-realization, in reiteration, never limitations

So I'm being followed through the hollows of the forest
Super-sonic when I'm on it, and I clocked it
As the rhyme physician whos spitting transmissions
Of a path that a lyrically blast at last to stop or not
When I'm flowing and growing to going persisting
In the persistence of peace, I don't cease to release
When I preach, every second I rhyme, every second I work
And every second I rhyme, every second we're stepping
And by the way on the mic I give blessings
So I am progressing and stepping to success in the
Fears all the goals getting near

Now, where is the mind of an emcee?
Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?

In the Knowledge of Wisdom
Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?

Now, where is the mind of an emcee?
Where is The Mind Of An Emcee?