Battle Royale by The Word Alive Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Battle Royale” by The Word Alive from the album Deceiver (2009)? More than 148 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Battle Royale”.

Battle Royale en Lyrics [The Word Alive]
Battle Royale English Lyrics Album Deceiver

Quote from the song “Battle Royale” by The Word Alive

(Breathe) They will turn their backs on me unless I decide to (breathe)
You will forget me unless I (breathe)
I've seen the worst in myself tonight
(I almost lost the fight)
My mind is lost within my dreams
Pinned down, wrapped up, in the arms of sleep
I feel it slowing now
I can barely see my way out

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Battle Royale lyrics [The Word Alive]

The Word Alive: Battle Royale Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Battle Royale”

The Word Alive - “Battle Royale” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of The Word Alive will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Battle Royale?
  • Where is Battle Royale music video clip?
  • Who was in the Battle Royale official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Battle Royale?
  • What is the meaning of the song Battle Royale?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Battle Royale”

  • Produced: Andrew Wade
  • Written: Zack Hansen, Tony Pizzuti, TELLE, Tony Aguilera
  • Mastering Engineer: Alan Douches
  • Label: Fearless Records
  • Mixed: Andrew Wade
  • Engineer: Andrew Wade
  • Backing Vocals: Zack Hansen, Tony Pizzuti
  • Percussion: Tony Aguilera
  • Programmed: Dusty Riach
  • Guitar: Zack Hansen, Tony Pizzuti
  • Bass: Nick Urlacher
  • Drums: Tony Aguilera
  • Keyboards: Dusty Riach
  • Vocals: TELLE
  • Recorded At: Wade Studios, Ocala, Florida
  • Release Date: July 21, 2009

Battle Royale lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Battle Royale lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Battle Royale” Released in 2009

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Battle Royale” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

(Breathe) They will turn their backs on me unless I decide to (breathe)
You will forget me unless I (breathe)
I've seen the worst in myself tonight
(I almost lost the fight)
My mind is lost within my dreams
Pinned down, wrapped up, in the arms of sleep
I feel it slowing now
I can barely see my way out


(I won't forget)
And every single time I see your face
It reminds me of why I walked away
(I won't forget)
And this is how you remind me that when I walked away
I was right to save me from myself
Goodbye, never say I am not enough

I'm scared I've thrown it all away and I'll never be the same


What have they done? What have I become
This is the end of running from you
I promise you that


(I won't forget)
And every single time I see your face
It reminds me of why I walked away
(I won't forget)
And this is how you remind me that when I walked away
I was right to save me from myself
Goodbye, never say I am not enough
Never say never, never say I'm not enough
Never say that I...
Never say never, never say I'm not enough
Never say I'm not enough!

Battle Royale performed by The Word Alive alternate

Battle Royale Performed by The Word Alive Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Battle Royale”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    In a 2010 interview with AltPress, vocalist and frontman Tyler “Telle” Smith said of the song:

    This is the one song from Empire that we decided needed to be on this album. We re-recorded it in Drop C and made some upgrades to some of the vocal parts. We also added some cool electronic stuff to it. We made it feel more like how it progressively changed for our live shows. We wanted to make it feel bigger and that's what we did.