Hands In The Air by The Waiting Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Hands In The Air” by The Waiting from the album The Waiting (1997)? More than 66 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Hands In The Air”.
Quote from the song “Hands In The Air” by The Waiting
If I raise my hands just to lift a shade
Will I reveal a sky heavy and gray?
Will last night be a memory sweetly fading?
How I hate a morning starting out this way
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Hands In The Air”
- Written: Todd Thomas Olsen, Steve Hindalong, Clark Leake, Brad Curtis Olsen
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Hands In The Air”:
- Written: Todd Thomas Olsen, Steve Hindalong, Clark Leake, Brad Curtis Olsen
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Hands In The Air” Released in 1997
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Hands In The Air” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
If I raise my hands just to lift a shade
Will I reveal a sky heavy and gray?
Will last night be a memory sweetly fading?
How I hate a morning starting out this way
On these lonely, raging mornings
I would whip You if I could
But You're on the mighty side of strong
And the perfect side of good
If I raise my hands, will You grab me by the wrists?
And will You try to pull me from the fray?
And even if my fingers join together into fists
Will You hold me firmly anyway?
Because I would try to escape You
But for everyday I'm sure
That You're on the huge side of big
And the holy side of pure
Okay, hear what I say
As I raise my hands in surrender today
Okay, here I will stay
Hands in the air, singing have Thine own way
If I raise my hands so weak and thin and frail
Will You reveal the light of mercy in Your eyes?
If I cry to You faintly, will my feeble whisper fail?
Or will it find its way to a reply?
Because now that I'm exhausted
I think I'm ready to admit
That I have spent all my resistance
On someone I can't resist
Okay, hear what I say
As I raise my hands in surrender today
Okay, here I will stay
Hands in the air, singing have Thine own way
Light from my window sill
Make my way to the door
I hang my head and still
I know You're wanting more
Over the threshold now
I move across the yard
All that my will allows
My every step is hard
Now in the garden
I carve out six feet of space
There make my will comply
Lie down upon my face
Been toe to toe too long
I'm tired of fighting You
I see You were too strong
'Cause I am black and blue
But now I understand
A loser's due to win
How every dying man
Is sure to rise again
So I raise my left hand, one
I raise my right hand, too
Under the morning sun
My spirit cries to You
Okay, hear what I say
As I raise my hands in surrender today
Right here, under the sun
Hands in the air, singing Thy will be done
I'm here under the sun
Hands in the air, singing Thy will be done
Okay, here I will stay
Hands in the air, singing have Thine own way
Hands in the air, singing have Thine own way
Have Thine own way
Have Thine own way