Incontinent by The Tiger Lillies Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Incontinent” by The Tiger Lillies from the album Death and the Bible (2004)? More than 152 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Incontinent”.

Incontinent en Lyrics [The Tiger Lillies]
Incontinent English Lyrics Album Death and the Bible

Quote from the song “Incontinent” by The Tiger Lillies

I’m incontinent I soil the sheets my heartbeat is growing weak
I even find it hard to speak as my urine from me leaks
I strap on my colostomy bag I’m feeling like an old rag
I stagger slowly slow and meek death for me would be a release
My mind is like a leaking sieve my memories I can’t relive
I walk a hundred yards in pain I stagger disconsolate and lame
So my death I cannot wait it’s an event I’ll celebrate
My funeral it seems to me is an event to set me free

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Incontinent lyrics [The Tiger Lillies]

The Tiger Lillies: Incontinent Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Incontinent” Released in 2004

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Incontinent” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I’m incontinent I soil the sheets my heartbeat is growing weak
I even find it hard to speak as my urine from me leaks
I strap on my colostomy bag I’m feeling like an old rag
I stagger slowly slow and meek death for me would be a release
My mind is like a leaking sieve my memories I can’t relive
I walk a hundred yards in pain I stagger disconsolate and lame
So my death I cannot wait it’s an event I’ll celebrate
My funeral it seems to me is an event to set me free