Babel On by The Soundtrack Of Our Lives Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Babel On” by The Soundtrack Of Our Lives from the album Communion (2008)? More than 58 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Babel On”.

Babel On en Lyrics [The Soundtrack Of Our Lives]
Babel On English Lyrics Album Communion

Quote from the song “Babel On” by The Soundtrack Of Our Lives

We're here to finalize
The friction of your rise
The twisting of your tongue
Together with the sun
The language that we speak
Was spread out to complete
And communicate as one
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!
A cloud of torsion fields
Is spinning out of reels
With everything you've built
Smiling through your guilt
A window to the west
A window to the east
A window to the past
From the towers where you belong
So C'mon!, C'mon!, C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!

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Babel On lyrics [The Soundtrack Of Our Lives]

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives: Babel On Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Babel On” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Babel On” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

We're here to finalize
The friction of your rise
The twisting of your tongue
Together with the sun
The language that we speak
Was spread out to complete
And communicate as one
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!
A cloud of torsion fields
Is spinning out of reels
With everything you've built
Smiling through your guilt
A window to the west
A window to the east
A window to the past
From the towers where you belong
So C'mon!, C'mon!, C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
And turn the towers on!
The towers of Babel on!