Deep by The Sad Flowers Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Deep” by The Sad Flowers from the album Desolation (2019)? More than 52 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Deep”.

Deep en Lyrics [The Sad Flowers]
Deep English Lyrics Album Desolation

Quote from the song “Deep” by The Sad Flowers

Not a wrinkle on the water
Not a sound in the air
A boat without an anchor
Drifting to nowhere

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Deep lyrics [The Sad Flowers]

The Sad Flowers: Deep Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Deep”

  • Produced: Joannes Claeskens, Jan Ooms
  • Written: Joannes Claeskens, Jan Ooms
  • Mixed And Mastered: Jan Ooms
  • Recorded At: The Compound
  • Release Date: November 1, 2019

Deep lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Deep lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Deep” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Deep” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Not a wrinkle on the water
Not a sound in the air
A boat without an anchor
Drifting to nowhere

No one can remember
The day it left the port
Might have been december
No ship log, no report

Nothing in the distance
Nothing in the sky
Awareness of a presence
That should not be defied

It’s living down below
Hiding in the deep
Creeping from the shadows
Attacks when you’re asleep

Deep inside
There grows a pain
Out of the deep
Becomes a fatal bane

Floating on an ocean of despair
Looking for elation but heading nowhere
When you look at the horizon
In the afterglow of the sun
There is a ghost reflection
Of the flagship unknown

Torn by all the anger
Burning from inside
Devoured by the rancour
For ever out of sight

Deep inside
There grows a pain
Out of the deep
Becomes a fatal bane

Floating on an ocean of despair
Looking for elation but heading nowhere

Floating on an ocean of despair
Looking for elation but heading nowhere