Weird Boy Next Door by The Muffs Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Weird Boy Next Door” by The Muffs from the album Whoop Dee Doo (2014)? More than 117 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Weird Boy Next Door”.

Weird Boy Next Door en Lyrics [The Muffs]
Weird Boy Next Door English Lyrics Album Whoop Dee Doo

Quote from the song “Weird Boy Next Door” by The Muffs

A little weirdo wasted
Sitting in a bedroom
At the home of Mommy
And never get a job
He's feeling oh so angsty, and never lift a finger
Only thinks of one thing, that's about himself
He's yelling for no reason
Soaking in the gutter
Someone should shake him, and throw him in the sea
He's an empty vessel, made of cotton candy
Nobody knows why he's such a dud

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Weird Boy Next Door lyrics [The Muffs]

The Muffs: Weird Boy Next Door Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Weird Boy Next Door”

  • Produced: The Muffs
  • Written: Kim Shattuck
  • Release Date:

Weird Boy Next Door lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Weird Boy Next Door lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Weird Boy Next Door”:

  • Produced: The Muffs
  • rn
  • Written: Kim Shattuck

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Weird Boy Next Door” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Weird Boy Next Door” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

A little weirdo wasted
Sitting in a bedroom
At the home of Mommy
And never get a job
He's feeling oh so angsty, and never lift a finger
Only thinks of one thing, that's about himself
He's yelling for no reason
Soaking in the gutter
Someone should shake him, and throw him in the sea
He's an empty vessel, made of cotton candy
Nobody knows why he's such a dud

He's a boy next door, what a bore
Do nothing what he's living for
He's a boy next door, what a bore
Nasty keep away from him
Forget about him, and then you hear him
Hitting our garage door, with a baseball bat
Yeah he's like a caveman, but he's not as clever
In fact he's dumber, then a common rat
He's a boy next door, what a bore
And no smarter than a living floor
He's a boy next door, what a bore
Nasty keep away from him
Super-weirdo will you ever go away?
The weirdo honestly, no-one cares, you're odd
A little weirdo wasted
Sitting in a bedroom
At the home of Mommy
And never get a job
He's feeling oh so angsty, and never lift a finger
Only thinks of one thing, that's about himself
He's yelling for no reason
Soaking in the gutter
Someone should shake him, and throw him in the sea
He's an empty vessel, made of cotton candy
Nobody knows why he's such a dud
He's a boy next door, what a bore
Do nothing what he's living for
He's a boy next door, what a bore
Nasty keep away from him