Showpiece by The Inglorious M.O.B. Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Showpiece” by The Inglorious M.O.B. from the album The Inglorious (2022)? More than 67 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Showpiece”.

Showpiece en Lyrics [The Inglorious M.O.B.]
Showpiece English Lyrics Album The Inglorious

Quote from the song “Showpiece” by The Inglorious M.O.B.

M.O uh

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Showpiece lyrics [The Inglorious M.O.B.]

The Inglorious M.O.B.: Showpiece Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Showpiece”

  • Produced: Undie julius
  • Written: The Inglorious M.O.B.
  • Release Date: April 30, 2022

Showpiece lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Showpiece lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Showpiece” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Showpiece” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

M.O uh


Let's get em'

This is a bonus track for the dawgs who at my back

(This for the dawgs who been at my back)

This is a bonus track for the dawgs who at my back

(You know where the real fire's at)

When I came in this game

It was strange for them (Really strange)

Some niggas already stopped rapping

Now I'm changing them (I'm making changes man)

Haven't seen a kids' this hot (Nope) since jigga back in 96

Ain't no reason to doubt me
Know I'm never writing shit

Back to the basics

All black everything

Now they think I'm a racist

But the sun shines on every man

So who am I to judge

Is it vanilla or fudge (Gobble it up)

See it don't really mattеr if you sweet enough (Gobble it up)

Boy I'm heating up

Yеah I'm here to snatch this rap thing

And I don't even need to hit em up

Cos I be packing

The most heat
Flow deep

And when I spit it's like a show piece

When I spit it's like a show piece

Jules in the building

M.O.B in the building

Let's get 'em

Let's get 'em

Let's get 'em Let's get 'em Let's get 'em Let's get 'em Let's woop

Big up big up it's a stick up

They holla respect when I pick up

The microphone

Light your dome