Death in Winter by The faded group unlisted Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Death in Winter” by The faded group unlisted (2021)? More than 199 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Death in Winter”.

Death in Winter en Lyrics [The faded group unlisted]
Death in Winter English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Death in Winter” by The faded group unlisted

One bright morning
At winter in January
Lives two lovers that were eating
One was becoming late to a meeting

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Death in Winter lyrics [The faded group unlisted]

The faded group unlisted: Death in Winter Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Death in Winter”

  • Produced: Apollo’s Delight
  • Written: Apollo’s Delight
  • Recorded At: JAM Studios
  • Release Date: September 22, 2021

Death in Winter lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Death in Winter lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Death in Winter” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Death in Winter” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

One bright morning
At winter in January
Lives two lovers that were eating
One was becoming late to a meeting

She heads out to the car without bringing her sweater
Drives on street without knowing the weather
Black ice, it ends her life

She (A tragedy has just struck)
Is bleeding (tree in her body is stuck)
Out (we pray to the gods to have something done)
She's bleeding out in the middle of winter and it's tragic

3 weeks passed, and he can't get pass his depression
Picks up the picturе frame that once was therе
Sitting alone in his comfy night gown
He breaks down and calls out to his lover
'Baby, I've let you down'
Why'd couldn't it be me to die there
I wish I could see you again

Death (A tragedy has been struck)
In January (her lover is out of his luck)
Cold (There was no way to save her life in time)
The loss of someone is something so cold to bear and tear

Sunday morning, it's Valentines
A heart still broken
All this week, he had not had a word spoken
Thoughts had made him shaken

Death (What did he do to have this happen)
In January (Her death was a mishappen)
Cold (There was no way to save her life in time)
Something inside that was always inside, is now forever gone

Lover has died, bye bye