Render Love by The Choir Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Render Love” by The Choir from the album Diamonds and Rain (1986)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Render Love”.

Render Love en Lyrics [The Choir]
Render Love English Lyrics Album Diamonds and Rain

Quote from the song “Render Love” by The Choir

Ash is what fools reap, war what they sow
What does a man gain, who loses his soul?
What can a man rule who conquers his world
Then falls out his window and loses his girl?

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Render Love lyrics [The Choir]

The Choir: Render Love Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Render Love” Released in 1986

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Render Love” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Ash is what fools reap, war what they sow
What does a man gain, who loses his soul?
What can a man rule who conquers his world
Then falls out his window and loses his girl?

Render love
Let there be peace in the land
Reconcile women and man
Lay down your weapons and lift up your fear

Stranger meet brother, pass the peace pipe
See in the man's eyes no stereotype
Love waits at our door the spirit divine
Sow it in your heart, reap it in mine

Render love
Let there be peace in the land
Reconcile women and man
Lay down your weapons and lift up your fear

Render love
Hold out your hand, be the one
Reconcile father and son
Love is the reason you're here

Render love to your world
Render love to your world
Render love to your world
Render love to your world
Render love
Let there be peace in the land
Reconcile women and man
Lay down your weapons and lift up your fear

Render love
Hold out your hand, be the one
Reconcile father and son
Love, after all, is the reason we're here...