Broken Stars by Teitur Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Broken Stars” by Teitur from the album Cazador de Ostras (2021)? More than 168 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Broken Stars”.

Broken Stars en Lyrics [Teitur]
Broken Stars English Lyrics Album Cazador de Ostras

Quote from the song “Broken Stars” by Teitur

You break my fall to cushion my soul
You fix the parts I can not fix alone
I crash right in, into your universe
You catch my drift without saying a word

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Broken Stars lyrics [Teitur]

Teitur: Broken Stars Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Broken Stars”

  • Featuring: Mariana Päraway
  • Produced: Teitur
  • Written: Teitur, Pam Sheyne
  • Release Date: September 3, 2021

Broken Stars lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Broken Stars lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Broken Stars” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Broken Stars” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You break my fall to cushion my soul
You fix the parts I can not fix alone
I crash right in, into your universe
You catch my drift without saying a word

And only you and I know it's like time just began
Only you and I know, only we understand

Layin' under this mighty sky
Wondering how we got here tonight
Gravity has played its part
Baby look at where we are
It's like I loved you light years ago
From the sky above to the ground below
It's hard to fathom we've come this far
That we're all made up of broken stars
Broken stars, broken stars
Broken stars, broken stars

The puzzle's done, all the piеces they fit
When you stand back you can see all of it
And somеday when we are ashes and dust
Time and space will remember us

And only you and I know, we are where we should be
Only you and I know, it was always you and me
Layin' under this mighty sky
Wondering how we got here tonight
Gravity has played its part
Baby look at where we are
It's like I loved you light years ago
From the sky above to the ground below
It's hard to fathom we've come this far
That we're all made up of broken stars
Broken stars, broken stars
Broken stars, broken stars