Bones by Swear and shake Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Bones” by Swear and shake from the album Extended Play (2010)? More than 67 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Bones”.

Bones en Lyrics [Swear and shake]
Bones English Lyrics Album Extended Play

Quote from the song “Bones” by Swear and shake

I said, "Be strong and hold on
You won’t feel this way forever"
I am the weakest of all and my advice is worth goddamn
I said, "Goodbye and take care"
And made my way down to the river
I’m looking forward to the sunshine in my hair

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Bones lyrics [Swear and shake]

Swear and shake: Bones Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Bones” Released in 2010

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Bones” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I said, "Be strong and hold on
You won’t feel this way forever"
I am the weakest of all and my advice is worth goddamn
I said, "Goodbye and take care"
And made my way down to the river
I’m looking forward to the sunshine in my hair

I’ll be the body if you’ll be the soul, and I’ll go where you go
And in between words of the letters I sent you
My bones are my bones
I’ll be the body if you’ll be the soul, and I’ll go where you go
And in between words of the letters I sent you
My bones are my bones

I said, "I’m sorry I’m scared
I can’t get this close to human
My legs have been restless since the day that I was born"

And in between words of the letters I’ve sent you
You’ll find my bones
My bones