CoalCoat by StoopKeed Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “CoalCoat” by StoopKeed from the album HappilyEverAfter (2022)? More than 119 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “CoalCoat”.

CoalCoat en Lyrics [StoopKeed]
CoalCoat English Lyrics Album HappilyEverAfter

Quote from the song “CoalCoat” by StoopKeed

I'm not stupid I'm just a kid
Death wants to pick me up and hits me with a whip
But she can't pick me up while I'm doing flip
And I'm satisfied with this outcome, quite
The sound with which she waves like a witch is so liquid
I don't get caught by her cause I'm equipped
Please pop and release, when I drop of my knees
And now I don't breathe, cause you my love beast
Baby just listen this sound of a breeze
I want your kiss

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CoalCoat lyrics [StoopKeed]

StoopKeed: CoalCoat Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “CoalCoat”

StoopKeed - “CoalCoat” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of StoopKeed will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples CoalCoat?
  • Where is CoalCoat music video clip?
  • Who was in the CoalCoat official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song CoalCoat?
  • What is the meaning of the song CoalCoat?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “CoalCoat”

  • Produced: Sewercorpse, Yung Ilon
  • Written: StoopKeed
  • Release Date: October 21, 2022

CoalCoat lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: CoalCoat lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “CoalCoat” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “CoalCoat” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I'm not stupid I'm just a kid
Death wants to pick me up and hits me with a whip
But she can't pick me up while I'm doing flip
And I'm satisfied with this outcome, quite
The sound with which she waves like a witch is so liquid
I don't get caught by her cause I'm equipped
Please pop and release, when I drop of my knees
And now I don't breathe, cause you my love beast
Baby just listen this sound of a breeze
I want your kiss


Let it go, go
Let it go, go
Let it go, go
Bitch, let it go, go


In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
Bitch, I'm in coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat


Please break my bones hitting my chest
You delete me by pulling the page
Making you love me it was my quest
Killing myself for you is my grace

[Verse 2]

Zoom on you makes me happy now
Human suit tears off me, don't ask me how
Everything about you makes me "Wow!"
Now my heart shooting like pow-pow
You and me in swimming are standing right on prow
Anytime you and I sleep it's right on the plow
I want you my love, I need you right now
I want you my love and I need you right now


Let it go, go
Let it go, go
Let it go, go
Bitch, let it go, go


In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
Bitch, I'm in coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat
In the coal coat


Hm. Why is he rapping about the coal coat? He doesn't have that. There seems to be some meaning to this track...