Keeping Secrets by Still Remains Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Keeping Secrets” by Still Remains from the album Ceasing to Breathe (2013)? More than 42 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Keeping Secrets”.

Keeping Secrets en Lyrics [Still Remains]
Keeping Secrets English Lyrics Album Ceasing to Breathe

Quote from the song “Keeping Secrets” by Still Remains

Feeding off carcass left behind
Telling all who have ears to hear it
Feeding off carcass left behind
Telling all who have ears to hear it

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Keeping Secrets lyrics [Still Remains]

Still Remains: Keeping Secrets Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Keeping Secrets”

Still Remains - “Keeping Secrets” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Still Remains will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Keeping Secrets?
  • Where is Keeping Secrets music video clip?
  • Who was in the Keeping Secrets official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Keeping Secrets?
  • What is the meaning of the song Keeping Secrets?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Keeping Secrets”

  • Produced: Mike Hatalak, Still Remains
  • Written: Jordan Whelan, Mike Church, TJ Miller
  • Composer: Jordan Whelan, Mike Church
  • Lyricist: TJ Miller
  • Release Date: December 17, 2013

Keeping Secrets lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Keeping Secrets lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Keeping Secrets” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Keeping Secrets” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Feeding off carcass left behind
Telling all who have ears to hear it
Feeding off carcass left behind
Telling all who have ears to hear it

Yet they stand behind their Faith
You think you're found the answer?
You will be eaten alive
Carry yourself all self righteous
Only the meek will survive

We hold the key
And we are keeping secrets to empower

I let myself go
I won't go back to that place
I will never let you go

Lie yourself out
Take away from me
Tell your fabricated tale
Cheat me how you will

Somehow, some way
I'll take anything you throw at me
He is but a wolf in sheep's clothing
And he will devour the kill
I let myself go
I won't go back to that place
I will never let you go

Building a wall of fire to hide face down, engulfed in flames
There is a snake who will whisper sweet nothings into your ears my son
Turning temptations into litigations
Cleaver endeavors be done

My sacred vow... this I swear
I will never surrender to the one that hunts you
We hold the key
We hold the secrets that empower you over destiny, over enemy
Keeping secrets, holding vows, savor the moment
Never surrender

Lie. Keep this a secret
Take. Keep this a secret from you
Tell. Keep this a secret
Cheat. Keep this a secret from you