The Band Played On by Stavesacre Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “The Band Played On” by Stavesacre from the album Against the Silence (2009)? More than 196 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The Band Played On”.

The Band Played On en Lyrics [Stavesacre]
The Band Played On English Lyrics Album Against the Silence

Quote from the song “The Band Played On” by Stavesacre

In the beginning, I was only sure of
Of my insignificance
And the world outside my window
Where would I begin?
I heard you say the words and I believed them
I was out of step but not alone
It seemed so right when little else did
And I believed that there was hope

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The Band Played On lyrics [Stavesacre]

Stavesacre: The Band Played On Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “The Band Played On”

  • Produced: Stavesacre
  • Written: Mark Salomon, Stavesacre
  • Mixing: Stavesacre
  • Label: Stavesacre
  • Background Vocals: Sam West, Ryan Dennee
  • Drummer: Sam West
  • Bassist: Dirk Lemmenes
  • Guitarist: Jeff Bellew, Ryan Dennee
  • Vocals: Mark Salomon
  • Recorded At: Huntington Beach, CA
  • Release Date: July 9, 2009

The Band Played On lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: The Band Played On lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The Band Played On” Released in 2009

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The Band Played On” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

In the beginning, I was only sure of
Of my insignificance
And the world outside my window
Where would I begin?
I heard you say the words and I believed them
I was out of step but not alone
It seemed so right when little else did
And I believed that there was hope


I sang along in a chorus
Of righteous discontent
Something real to be at one
Against the silence, the band played on

[Verse 2]

For a moment I was sure there was a difference
No longer small and significant
Forcing hands, making demands
Never dreamed it would end


I sang along in a chorus
Of righteous discontent
Something real to be at one
Against the silence, the band played on


The band played on
Against the silence
The band played on

[Verse 3]

And somehow all that passion gave way to
A cynical indifference
The sound and fury only returned
To silence


I sang along in a chorus
Of righteous discontent
When I asked why I wasn't one
In all the silence, the band played on


The band played on
The band played on
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
(I sang along in a chorus)
The band played on
The band played on