Now by ST x LIAM Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Now” by ST x LIAM from the album A Matter of Time (2017)? More than 117 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Now”.

Now en Lyrics [ST x LIAM]
Now English Lyrics Album A Matter of Time

Quote from the song “Now” by ST x LIAM

Where you at ST? Where you at?
Where you at Liam? Where you at?

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If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Now lyrics [ST x LIAM]

ST x LIAM: Now Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Now”

  • Produced: ST x LIAM
  • Written: ST (QC)
  • Release Date: August 11, 2017

Now lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Now lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Now” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Now” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Where you at ST? Where you at?
Where you at Liam? Where you at?

Well, Liam crashed on his bike
Meanwhile I crashed in my life
Fuck I went thru some shit
Damn, disappeared with no sign
Listen here, get close by, cause
When you thinking you got it
When you thinking you got it
That's when shit go wild
Had the soul of a soldier one foot in the grave
Tell me to finish the album
Meanwhile I wondered if I'd finish the day
Spending nights spliffin away
Relationship slippin away
Cause netflix and chilling is good when you feel it
But it don't add bricks to your building
And we hit the ceiling, oh we hit the ceiling
And the ceiling was falling like Rome burning out
Loner in doubt, nowhere in time
But now I know where I'm at
But now I know where I'm at
I'm feeling like calling whole universe out
Stronger and proud, a matter of time
Now I know where I'm at
Now I know where I'm at