Ne vzame nihče by Space Unicorn on Fire Lyrics

Looking for the Slovenian lyrics to “Ne vzame nihče” by Space Unicorn on Fire from the album Gallop Through the Stars (2016)? More than 113 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ne vzame nihče”.

Ne vzame nihče sl Lyrics [Space Unicorn on Fire]
Ne vzame nihče Slovenian Lyrics Album Gallop Through the Stars

Quote from the song “Ne vzame nihče” by Space Unicorn on Fire

Spet drvim k sanjam, lovi me spomin
Včasih se zato izgubim, drugič poletim

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Ne vzame nihče lyrics [Space Unicorn on Fire]

Space Unicorn on Fire: Ne vzame nihče Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ne vzame nihče” Released in 2016

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ne vzame nihče” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Spet drvim k sanjam, lovi me spomin
Včasih se zato izgubim, drugič poletim

Zguljene slike mi hitijo pred očmi
Svet sva lomila, zdaj počiva v temi

Prezahtevna, preveč ranjena
Žgala sva srce drug drugega
A vsega lepega, kar sva imela
Nama ne vzame nihče - niti sama ne

Dala sva drug drugemu vse, dvignjena od tal
Pobiram zdaj ostanke sveta, a mi za nič ni žal

Prehitro in prekmalu sva hotela vse
Včasih si želim nazaj
A treba je naprej