Christian Music News: Southern Gospel Promoters Association Spring meetings in Memphis (2025)

Our session in Memphis is just a few weeks away and I am looking forward to seeing you there. We will meet at 9am CST on Friday (06/23/23) and Saturday (06/24/23) in the Heritage Ballroom of the Memphis Downtown Sheraton Hotel which is across the street from the Cannon Center where the Memphis Quartet Show will be held. I have attached the agenda for Friday and a showcase poster for Saturday. Justified Quartet will open us up with some good Quartet Music on Friday and then our Keynote Speaker Du

Our session in Memphis is just a few weeks away and I am looking forward to seeing you there. We will meet at 9am CST on Friday (06/23/23) and Saturday (06/24/23) in the Heritage Ballroom of the Memphis Downtown Sheraton Hotel which is across the street from the Cannon Center where the Memphis Quartet Show will be held. I have attached the agenda for Friday and a showcase poster for Saturday. Justified Quartet will open us up with some good Quartet Music on Friday and then our Keynote Speaker Du

Southern Gospel Promoters Association Spring meetings in Memphis

Our session in Memphis is just a few weeks away and I am looking forward to seeing you there. We will meet at 9am CST on Friday (06/23/23) and Saturday (06/24/23) in the Heritage Ballroom of the Memphis Downtown Sheraton Hotel which is across the street from the Cannon Center where the Memphis Quartet Show will be held. I have attached the agenda for Friday and a showcase poster for Saturday. Justified Quartet will open us up with some good Quartet Music on Friday and then our Keynote Speaker Dusty Wells (A&R Director for Daywind Records) will speak and then we have a much-needed training session. For you that cannot make it - we will televise Thursday on ZOOM at the link at the bottom of the page or if you will email me at [email protected], I will email you an invite.

Saturday, we have 4 good Quartets for you to view at the Showcase. We will let you out in plenty of time to grab lunch and the afternoon matinees each day at the Memphis Quartet Show. If you have any questions, please email me.

God Bless and hope to see you in Memphis,