Blind Hope by Son Volt Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Blind Hope” by Son Volt from the album Wide Swing Tremolo (1998)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Blind Hope”.
Quote from the song “Blind Hope” by Son Volt
Spend a million dream days
Shook the hand of time, served gods
Waited around the display
Saw no revelation
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Blind Hope”
- Produced: Son Volt
- Written: Jay Farrar
- Vocals: Jay Farrar
- Bass: Jim Boquist
- Drums: Mike Heidorn
- Electric Piano: Jay Farrar
- Guitar: Jay Farrar, Dave Boquist
- Pedal Steel Guitar: Eric Heywood
- Mastering Engineer: Bob Ludwig
- Recording Engineer: David Barbe
- Mixing Engineer: Jay Farrar, David Barbe
- Assistant Producer: David Barbe
- Release Date: October 6, 1998
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Blind Hope” Released in 1998
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Blind Hope” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Spend a million dream days
Shook the hand of time, served gods
Waited around the display
Saw no revelation
No good to go feet first
All distraction and hesitation
With a bucket for the leakage
Brackish feelings to bail out
Living it up on the downside
Living out what's inside
Taking it at full stride
Taking it
Here's one for you
Leave one for me
Don't mind and don't regret it
Forget what's gone and here's your warning
Bring it down and break it in
Casting it out, reeling it in
Living on blind hope again
Casting it out, reeling it in
Living on blind hope again
Kicking the habit
Barreling along
Drug test
Free air time
Tobacco bill
Pentagon waste
Highway money
Peace stalemate
No dancing allowed
The way of the transgressor is hard
That's it