Under Control by Solar Fake Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Under Control” by Solar Fake from the album Another Manic Episode (2015)? More than 185 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Under Control”.

Under Control en Lyrics [Solar Fake]
Under Control English Lyrics Album Another Manic Episode

Quote from the song “Under Control” by Solar Fake

There’s a crack in the ice and it’s coming after me
It’s coming after me
Should I wait and not blink or should I run and get away
Run and get away


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Under Control lyrics [Solar Fake]

Solar Fake: Under Control Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Under Control”

  • Featuring: Jens Halbauer, André Feller, Sven Friedrich
  • Produced: Solar Fake
  • Written: Sven Friedrich
  • Release Date: October 30, 2015

Under Control lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Under Control lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Under Control” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Under Control” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

There’s a crack in the ice and it’s coming after me
It’s coming after me
Should I wait and not blink or should I run and get away
Run and get away

But every will would need a force
And once again there will be another way out, just like every time
So I go drowning and see what’s coming next
See what’s coming next

I could go and have a drink with you, but I’m too bored
But I’m too bored
Oh, it could be nice but that’s not what I’m looking for
What you’re looking for

So why not leave it all behind?
Well, it seems so draining just to think about it anyway
So I keep going and leave it all untouched
Leave it all untouched


I’m under control
I am well sedated and permanently sick
I’m under control
I don’t care too much if I win or if I get tricked
I ran out of passion, but carry the weight
Til the end when I bury myself
Still under control, I’m taking it all from you
I go waste your time like any other day
Like any other day
Seems I look forsaken, and I’ll be either way
I’ll be either way

And when I’m laughing it’s my fault
And when I say
That all these pictures on the wall are greyish anyway
I didn’t mean it, they’re only black and white
Only black and white

[Chorus 2x]

I am well sedated and permanently sick
I don’t care too much if I win or if I get tricked
I ran out of passion, but carry the weight
Til the end when I bury myself
Still under control, I’m taking it all from you