Leaves of Three by Soilent Green Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Leaves of Three” by Soilent Green from the album Confrontation (2005)? More than 56 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Leaves of Three”.
Quote from the song “Leaves of Three” by Soilent Green
Granted this death wish
The second time you fell in love
Coward Style
For this hopeless romance
Two dead birds and no stones thrown yet
A tale to tell of lost innocence
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Leaves of Three” Released in 2005
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Leaves of Three” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Granted this death wish
The second time you fell in love
Coward Style
For this hopeless romance
Two dead birds and no stones thrown yet
A tale to tell of lost innocence
Diverse respect for nothing
Weaker of two wrongs
The battle of these lost words
Skip in your heartbeat
Possessing nil compassion
Not wanting this stress
Settle for unhappiness
Crossing my fingers again
Restless nights of questions
Owning your every thought
Curled up like a new born
Makes tomorrow all right
This siege of personal conflict
Selfishness at this point saves you
Numerous days spent locked up
End of needing this tender touch
This life that care forgot
Darkest eyes of my blank thought
Bipolar controversies of being alone
Exhausting the purpose of failure
While I am down you better kick me
Falling face down in confusion
Hand held suicide
A bastard trade for the extinction of love
A yellow comparison in a fragile state of mind
Worst of days as this smile shatters in your mouth
My neck cut open for words of forgiveness
Silence in fearless words
Great burden of pure self restraint
Window to the safe house, locked heart gate
Cradling a concept that that denies this adore
The true story of care based on lies
Fool no more
Force the mind
All is lost for this outcast
Curse of life
All of this a force of painless
Lost hope inside
Persist in logic
Escape this barrier of conflict
Soaring on stolen wings
Born from another's grace
Plenty of advice half our lives
Youth denied ironic praise
Tainted objective, lust in the end
Silence the chamber, one last hope
Time is the only one to forget these wounds
Compliment this vain romance
This is the last feeling the past that you would expect to come back
Empty love note with blank anger
This place you bury your dreams when they're dead