Kalamat Ta Juba by Slate Nation Lyrics

Looking for the German lyrics to “Kalamat Ta Juba” by Slate Nation (2022)? More than 93 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kalamat Ta Juba”.

Kalamat Ta Juba de Lyrics [Slate Nation]
Kalamat Ta Juba German Lyrics

Quote from the song “Kalamat Ta Juba” by Slate Nation

En che bah ben oh
En che loh ben oh
Ke mach tuch
(Junubin starboy)
Slate Nation
E en Muor nghaknom
Slate Nation
(Hey Reeksin)


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Kalamat Ta Juba lyrics [Slate Nation]

Slate Nation: Kalamat Ta Juba Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Kalamat Ta Juba”

Slate Nation - “Kalamat Ta Juba” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Slate Nation will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Kalamat Ta Juba?
  • Where is Kalamat Ta Juba music video clip?
  • Who was in the Kalamat Ta Juba official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Kalamat Ta Juba?
  • What is the meaning of the song Kalamat Ta Juba?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Kalamat Ta Juba”

  • Produced: Reeksin
  • Written: Slate Nation
  • Release Date: December 31, 2022

Kalamat Ta Juba lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Kalamat Ta Juba lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kalamat Ta Juba” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kalamat Ta Juba” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

En che bah ben oh
En che loh ben oh
Ke mach tuch
(Junubin starboy)
Slate Nation
E en Muor nghaknom
Slate Nation
(Hey Reeksin)

Jhok anguet koch Juba
Koch aguach kek Juba
(Koch aguach Koch aguach)
Chuor anguet koch Juba
Johk abiou Juba

Du an e kuoch liech madhie
E jong dan tong yen e nak ok
Du en e kuoch choch madhie
En chong dan tong yen e nak ok
Kueny rot pur du ku loh dom
En e beh pur dom ku lar dom eya
Jal ku dhur dhur ku dom
Jal ku dhur
Jal ku dhur dhur ku dom
Jal ku dhuur
Yen dom dom dom
Jal ku dhur

Jhok ah cham koch Juba
Koch aguach kek Juba
(Koch aguach Koch aguach)
Koch ahoch kek Juba
Chuor anguet koch Juba
Oh wayow
Wayow wayow wayow
Shah Shah Shah

Kan mayindek V8 fi Juba
Yita mah be zouju binia tah Juba
Kan mayindek uncle fi akuma
Wallai shokol mafi fi Juba
Kan mayindek miya dollar
Yita mabeh shil girlfriend fi maktam
Mothonin kaman (Kaman)
Woh man begul zedeh
Nah che luon akuma
En che kong luy ya chin
En ah nеk e tuch oh
En ah wich makep
Makep makеp
Beykeh makep
Makep makep en anek tuch
Makep makep beykeh makep
En anek tuch makep

Jhok ah cham koch Juba
Koch aguach kek Juba
(Koch aguach Koch aguach)
Koch ahoch kek Juba
Chuor anguet koch Juba
Oh wayow
Wayow wayow wayow
Shah Shah Shah

Techin yin wur akuma yich
Kechok adhil yin nok Juba
Techin yin uncle Akuma yich
Kachin lon kong yohk Juba
E slay queen luel aleh
Ana maba shorop moya Donki
(Moya donkii)
Teken yin ngiech ruk aku
Duk nya kong yhok hello
Raan cheng suit e Juba
Ayeki luel
Eyen e ran chi pioch
Raan lut piny e juba
Ayeki luel
Yen e ran nong ke ngich
Raan cheng suit e Juba
Ayeki luel
Yen e ran chi pioch
Ran cheng suit e Juba
Ayeki ke luel
Yen e ran nong ke ngich