Just a Country Boy by Showaddywaddy Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Just a Country Boy” by Showaddywaddy from the album Crepes & Drapes (1979)? More than 115 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Just a Country Boy”.

Just a Country Boy en Lyrics [Showaddywaddy]
Just a Country Boy English Lyrics Album Crepes & Drapes

Quote from the song “Just a Country Boy” by Showaddywaddy

I had a very old friend who never knew about me
He never knew but he gave me everything I need
A way of life that shows in everything I say and do
He gave me enough to sing the blues


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Just a Country Boy lyrics [Showaddywaddy]

Showaddywaddy: Just a Country Boy Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Just a Country Boy”

  • Produced: Showaddywaddy
  • Written: John David
  • Release Date: 1979

Just a Country Boy lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Just a Country Boy lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Just a Country Boy” Released in 1979

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Just a Country Boy” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I had a very old friend who never knew about me
He never knew but he gave me everything I need
A way of life that shows in everything I say and do
He gave me enough to sing the blues

Just a country boy from Memphis Tennessee
No one could have known what fate meant him to be
Became a voice that could ring with every feeling ever known
But no words could tell just what he meant to me

Oh I was only ten years old
But it seems like yesterday
When I first heard him on the radio
And his music made me dance all night
And his sad songs made me cry
I'll always feel the same way 'til I die

And his music made me dance all night
And his sad songs made me cry
I'll always feel the same way 'til I die

I was one of the crowd who worshiped him
I was one of the crowd who told him he was king
I was one of the crowd he had to prove himself to time and time again
And no mortal man could ever stand the strain
Oh I was only ten years old
But it seems like yesterday
When I first heard him on the radio
And his music made me dance all night
And his sad songs made me cry

I'll always feel the same way 'til I die
I'll always feel the same way 'til I die
I'll always feel the same way 'til I die
I'll always feel the same way 'til I die