玩家共和國 by 影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “玩家共和國” by 影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN) (2021)? More than 31 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “玩家共和國”.

玩家共和國 en Lyrics [影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN)]
玩家共和國 English Lyrics

Quote from the song “玩家共和國” by 影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN)

I represent the K
Put me in the game
不需要double check
Rush everyday 每一天都站在起跑線


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玩家共和國 lyrics [影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN)]

影子計劃Shadow Project (TWN): 玩家共和國 Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “玩家共和國”

  • Featuring: Ye!!ow, Bu$y (TWN), Paper Jim
  • Release Date: January 14, 2021

玩家共和國 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 玩家共和國 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “玩家共和國” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “玩家共和國” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I represent the K
Put me in the game
不需要double check
Rush everyday 每一天都站在起跑線

Zephyrus G14 提升我的speed
腳步不會停 Like machine
AniMe Matrix 不帥我不信
搭載AMD Now we make it Overlitt
Sp Sp gang gang
槍口都往上bang bang
Everyday dash 買單我cash
一直dash 一直dash 一直dash
不停dash 全部都 全部都 全部都
Take it back

ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit
ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit

No way 跟你們不同的級別
So sad 跟你在不同的起點
I wanna play a game Nobody bother
搭載了8核心 提高我的效能
音樂幫我轉大聲ㄧ點要 play it out
Dolby Atmos 讓音樂在耳邊圍繞

R.O.G yeah I got the Vibe
追不上的速度 I’m just Living life
AMD Ryzen 9 never showing Red light
All eyes on me 當我掀起背蓋

You gon realize
We all Standing on the finish line
In the end You gon realize
We’ll be waiting on the finish line

ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit
ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit

No way 跟你們不同的級別
So sad 跟你在不同的起點

We running fast
發誓不會going back
That I do what I can
Never Change
AMD ryzen 4000
太陽東邊 已經昇起
Working 超過了10hours
搖擺身體bro 沒有壓力
Pick up the phone
拚快的超前進度everybody move on
Shadow Project 一半rapper一半股東
ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit
ROG 腳步停不下
ROG ROG we making hit

No way 跟你們不同的級別
So sad 跟你在不同的起點