My Heart Stood Still by Sergio Franchi Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “My Heart Stood Still” by Sergio Franchi from the album The Songs Of Richard Rodgers (1965)? More than 117 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “My Heart Stood Still”.
Quote from the song “My Heart Stood Still” by Sergio Franchi
I laughed at sweethearts
I met at schools
All indiscreet hearts
Seemed romantic fools
A house in Iceland
Was my heart's domain
I saw your eyes
Now castles rise in Spain
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “My Heart Stood Still”
- Produced: Jim Foglesong
- Written: Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers
- Release Date: 1965
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “My Heart Stood Still” Released in 1965
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “My Heart Stood Still” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
I laughed at sweethearts
I met at schools
All indiscreet hearts
Seemed romantic fools
A house in Iceland
Was my heart's domain
I saw your eyes
Now castles rise in Spain
I took one look at you
That's all I meant to do
And then my heart stood still
My feet could step and walk
My lips could move and talk
And yet my heart stood still
Though not a single word was spoken
I could tell you knew
That unfelt clasp of hands
Told me so well you knew
I never lived at all until the thrill
Of that moment when my heart stood still
I never lived at all until the thrill
Of that moment when my heart stood still