Maria Mole by Sandy & Junior Lyrics

Looking for the Portuguese lyrics to “Maria Mole” by Sandy & Junior from the album Pra Dançar com Você (1994)? More than 61 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Maria Mole”.

Maria Mole pt Lyrics [Sandy & Junior]
Maria Mole Portuguese Lyrics Album Pra Dançar com Você

Quote from the song “Maria Mole” by Sandy & Junior

(Rita Lee - Guto Graça Mello)

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Maria Mole lyrics [Sandy & Junior]

Sandy & Junior: Maria Mole Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Maria Mole”

  • Produced: Xororó
  • Written: Guto Graça Mello, Rita Lee
  • Maria Mole Is A Cover Of: Maria Mole by Rita Lee
  • Release Date:

Maria Mole lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Maria Mole lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Maria Mole”:

  • Produced: Xororó
  • rn
  • Written: Guto Graça Mello, Rita Lee
  • rn
  • Maria Mole Is A Cover Of: Maria Mole by Rita Lee

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Maria Mole” Released in 1994

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Maria Mole” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

(Rita Lee - Guto Graça Mello)

Lenga, lenga, Maria
Mole só pra disfarçar
Trabalho que é bom, nenhum
Não faz força nem pra soltar pum - pum?

Lero-lero, blá blá blá
Tira o dedo do nariz
Melecada de chiclete
Nunca raspa a perna com gilete
Dengo, dengo Maria
Gosta só de namorar
Derretida de paixão
Lambuzada de sabão
E o namorado dela é o rocambole
E quando eles se beijam os dois se engolem
Fazendo assim:

Maria Mole, Maria Mole!