Satoshi by Samuel Belman Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Satoshi” by Samuel Belman from the album Samsara (2018)? More than 43 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Satoshi”.

Satoshi en Lyrics [Samuel Belman]
Satoshi English Lyrics Album Samsara

Quote from the song “Satoshi” by Samuel Belman

My bag (My bag, my bag, my bag)
Country, man (try man, try man, try man)
Time is money and I need my bag
Neighbor, city, state, country, man

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Satoshi lyrics [Samuel Belman]

Samuel Belman: Satoshi Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Satoshi”

Samuel Belman - “Satoshi” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Samuel Belman will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Satoshi?
  • Where is Satoshi music video clip?
  • Who was in the Satoshi official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Satoshi?
  • What is the meaning of the song Satoshi?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Satoshi”

  • Produced: Samuel Belman
  • Written: Samuel Belman
  • Recorded At: Personal Studio, Downtown West Chester PA
  • Release Date: March 23, 2018

Satoshi lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Satoshi lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Satoshi” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Satoshi” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


My bag (My bag, my bag, my bag)
Country, man (try man, try man, try man)
Time is money and I need my bag
Neighbor, city, state, country, man


Yo, yo, yo
I wake up in the morning feeling like
Satoshi Nakamoto in public I feel kinda naked
So I get up get dressed for work, and brush the smile
Then push-ups, breakfast cook, and then I’m out
Wait - I find it fascinating that I been playing
The same exact game as I had been
Laughing at players for getting caught up
In the green like green life is real
Life until meal time is me time
You could say any day that I am


Living in a material land to see
Miracle fantasies coming true
As long as people had planned for them
As long as people had planned for them
Money is like the new scope
Everything gets big when you zoom in up close, whoa
Money is like the new sight
Everybody wanna see it but nobody wanna fly, whoa


Time is money and I need my bag
Higher salary I need mine fast
My security, my homies, fam
Neighbors, city, state, country, man
Time is money and I need my bag
Higher salary I need mine fast
My security, my homies, fam
Neighbors, city, state, country, man


The rich is acting poor
The poor is acting rich
I find myself applauding the people
Who wrote the script
Most of em live on Wall Street
And many calling them pigs
I’m quite impressed, in fact
I like the system that they built
I use it to advantage. Cycles of life
Cycles of money cruising around us
Application devices investing look at the planet
Put the residue of the expenses into replenishing
It for the advances but that’s only a suggestion
Power to you for earning. Don’t worry what I said just
Do what you want cause honestly
That be how we work as two individuals
In unlimited little swimming pools
Treating them like the shark tank


Living in a material land to see
Miracle fantasies coming true
As long as people had planned for them
As long as people had planned for them
Money is like the new scope
Everything gets big when you zoom in up close, whoa
Money is like the new sight
Everybody wanna see it but nobody wanna fly, whoa


Time is money and I need my bag
Higher salary I need mine fast
My security, my homies, fam
Neighbors, city, state, country, man
Time is money and I need my bag
Higher salary I need mine fast
My security, my homies, fam
Neighbors, city, state, country, man


I lay awake at night feeling like
Satoshi Nakamoto when going back on a bike
To when he was a baby and couldn’t look at the time
And know where it was flowing in rivers from out the sides
He took the little baby and took him back to his house
He felt the need to raise him into something with impact:
The global market - USA, China, Russia combined
Trusting within a system of mathematics and science
Rather than governments that fulfill us within confines
Of what they think we think is necessary and beyond
I think about all this in theory and then practically
Bring it to a high where we got the clout
We got the money inside, we bring the money to life
And strive

Satoshi performed by Samuel Belman alternate

Satoshi Performed by Samuel Belman Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Satoshi”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    There are videos of Samuel sitting down at sunrise going in-depth about every song on this EP. Here is a link to the video for this one.