Far Post by Robert Plant Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Far Post” by Robert Plant from the album Pictures at Eleven (1983)? More than 45 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Far Post”.

Far Post en Lyrics [Robert Plant]
Far Post English Lyrics Album Pictures at Eleven

Quote from the song “Far Post” by Robert Plant

No talk of love between us, some things better left unsaid
Talk of the plans move through my head, through my head
No talk of tears and pain, it's been so long
I really don't know your name
It's the rules of the game


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Far Post lyrics [Robert Plant]

Robert Plant: Far Post Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Far Post”

  • Produced: Benjamin “Benji” Lefevre, Robert Plant
  • Written: Jezz Woodroffe, Robbie Blunt, Robert Plant
  • Release Date: 1983

Far Post lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Far Post lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Far Post” Released in 1983

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Far Post” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

No talk of love between us, some things better left unsaid
Talk of the plans move through my head, through my head
No talk of tears and pain, it's been so long
I really don't know your name
It's the rules of the game

Wheels keep turning round and round
Years keep spinning round and round

No words assured without a trace, like the shadows in the sun
No room for fools who rush, it's all been done
You've got new friend, a new pool
And you know they're putting troubles to the vote
Tired eyes slow dance in the sunlight, it's all a joke

Wheels keep spinning round and round
Years keep spinning round and round
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah, yeah

With the passing of your time
Though you seldom come to mind
I remember the day
Sure as winter follows fall
Sure as maybe I will call
Just remember the day
Far off the hazy day, long gone, the lingering gray
Chill winds blow cold around the fires of love
Farewell the call to arms, release the captive heart
Time's keeper clouds the skyline on the last resort

Wheels keep spinning round and round
Years keep spinning round and round
Ooh yeah

With the passing of your time
Though you seldom come to mind
I remember
Sure as winter follows fall
Sure as maybe I will call
Just remember