Metal Rite by Rezet (Band) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Metal Rite” by Rezet (Band) from the album Metal Night (demo) (2006)? More than 102 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Metal Rite”.

Metal Rite en Lyrics [Rezet (Band)]
Metal Rite English Lyrics Album Metal Night (demo)

Quote from the song “Metal Rite” by Rezet (Band)

Let me introduce this night
It's full of gore and blood
Worshipping the gods you love
They're here to get you nuts

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Metal Rite lyrics [Rezet (Band)]

Rezet (Band): Metal Rite Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Metal Rite”

  • Written: Ricky Wagner
  • Bass Guitar: Max Johannsen
  • Drums: Philipp Amann
  • Lead guitar: Thorben Schulz, Ricky Wagner
  • Vocals: Ricky Wagner
  • Release Date: July 15, 2006

Metal Rite lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Metal Rite lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Metal Rite” Released in 2006

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Metal Rite” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Let me introduce this night
It's full of gore and blood
Worshipping the gods you love
They're here to get you nuts

[Verse 1]

Bang your head as fast you can
Don't think 'bout the price
Thrash until your head falls off
Metal takes its price
Don't care 'bout the bumps you see
They're all over your head
Don't think you could escape from here
Liars will be damned


Bang your head against the stage
Blood is flowing through the night
Nonbelievers get the rage
We've come for Metal night!

[Guitar Solo - Wagner]

[Verse 2]

Young and old, the weak and strong
We know we are the same
Metal is our medicine
We're going insane
Knights of darkness come to fight
You know what I mean?
Fighting for our metal right
Gore you've never seen


Bang your head against the stage
Blood is flowing through the night
Nonbelievers get the rage
We've come for Metal night!

[Intro Reprise]

Let me introduce this night
It's full of gore and blood
Worshipping the gods you love
They're here to get you nuts

[Guitar Solo - Wagner]

[Verse 3]

Adrenaline flows in our veins
The next victim shall be
We smash our heads together
We live for anarchy
Rape the blood of mainstream crap
Forget this century
Bang your head, bang to REZET
If you won't, you have to flee!


Bang your head against the stage
Blood is flowing through the night
Nonbelievers get the rage
Bang your head against the stage
Blood is flowing through the night
Nonbelievers get the rage
We've come for Metal night!