Rock and Roll Shoes by Ray Charles Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Rock and Roll Shoes” by Ray Charles from the album Friendship (1984)? More than 139 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Rock and Roll Shoes”.

Rock and Roll Shoes en Lyrics [Ray Charles]
Rock and Roll Shoes English Lyrics Album Friendship

Quote from the song “Rock and Roll Shoes” by Ray Charles

It seems like yesterday
I heard the people say
Son, you were born to stray
Someday you'll settle down

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Rock and Roll Shoes lyrics [Ray Charles]

Ray Charles: Rock and Roll Shoes Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Rock and Roll Shoes”

  • Featuring: B.J. Thomas
  • Release Date:

Rock and Roll Shoes lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Rock and Roll Shoes lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Rock and Roll Shoes”:

  • Featuring: B.J. Thomas

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Rock and Roll Shoes” Released in 1984

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Rock and Roll Shoes” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

It seems like yesterday
I heard the people say
Son, you were born to stray
Someday you'll settle down

I guess there'll come a time
Maybe I'll tow the line
But right now I'm doing fine
Rolling from town to town

I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Hang up my rock and roll shoes

Guitars and ringing tones
In my blood and in my bones
Show me a bus and I'll call it home
'Cause I don't wanna change

On a lonely day
When they put me in my grave
Ain't a worry you need to save
Just hang up my rock and roll shoes
I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Hang up my rock and roll shoes

So let that motor run
Headed out towards the sun
I'm in the mood for moving on
But I'll be back someday

I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes

I don't care where I ride
I'll let my feet decide
Do anything but don't ask that I
Hang up my rock and roll shoes
Hang up my rock and roll shoes

Hang up my rock and roll shoes, Ray
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, yeah
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, I'm gonna
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, let me
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, B.J
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, why don't you
Hang up my rock and roll shoes, Ray
Hang up my rock and roll shoes