Christian Music News: Putting Specifics to What One Believes-part 1 (2025)
Putting Specifics to What One Believes-part 1 It is not considered politically correct to specify what and whom when it comes to sacred music and musicing. So, Christian musicians tiptoe through the tulips so to speak when it comes to putting specifics to what one considers to be wrong with some religious music and musicing. The Matthew 7:1,statement, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” is often used as a prohibition of making any musical judgements that are specific even though these judgmentPutting Specifics to What One Believes-part 1 It is not considered politically correct to specify what and whom when it comes to sacred music and musicing. So, Christian musicians tiptoe through the tulips so to speak when it comes to putting specifics to what one considers to be wrong with some religious music and musicing. The Matthew 7:1,statement, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” is often used as a prohibition of making any musical judgements that are specific even though these judgment
Putting Specifics to What One Believes-part 1
It is not considered politically correct to specify what and whom when it comes to sacred music and musicing. So, Christian musicians tiptoe through the tulips so to speak when it comes to putting specifics to what one considers to be wrong with some religious music and musicing. The Matthew 7:1,statement, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” is often used as a prohibition of making any musical judgements that are specific even though these judgments have legitimate foundations that have a Bible and or a music basis. The Bible also states in John 7:24, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment”. The Bible also states in Matthew 7:20, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”.
The fabric of music and the landscape that surrounds it is “Christian” only when it is congruent with and has a footprint that is theologically accurate and has the propensity to accurately represent the moral nature of God. Christians have the right and the responsibility to inspect the music’s “fruit”. Let me put it simply, for those who find it difficult to conceptualize my writings. If something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, swims like a duck, has a duck’s footprint, and associates itself with other ducks, one may safely make the judgment that it is indeed a duck.