Imposter by Punitive Damage Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Imposter” by Punitive Damage from the album Punitive Damage (2020)? More than 154 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Imposter”.

Imposter en Lyrics [Punitive Damage]
Imposter English Lyrics Album Punitive Damage

Quote from the song “Imposter” by Punitive Damage

A shadow in the wall
A turncoat draped in red
You took their hand
Twist the knife
A traitor to us all
I don't forgive
I won't forget
'Til my dying breath
You felt no grief
But you will taste it
You feared no death
But you will die it
We don't forgive
We won't forget
Time heals nothing
I don't forgive
I won't forget
You can't crush the flowers
You won't stop the spring

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Imposter lyrics [Punitive Damage]

Punitive Damage: Imposter Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Imposter” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Imposter” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

A shadow in the wall
A turncoat draped in red
You took their hand
Twist the knife
A traitor to us all
I don't forgive
I won't forget
'Til my dying breath
You felt no grief
But you will taste it
You feared no death
But you will die it
We don't forgive
We won't forget
Time heals nothing
I don't forgive
I won't forget
You can't crush the flowers
You won't stop the spring