Looking for the English lyrics to “MY SECRET DIARY” by PROXOXIE (2022)? More than 181 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “MY SECRET DIARY”.
Quote from the song “MY SECRET DIARY” by PROXOXIE
You’re reading through my diary
You found my coke and golden key
You can try but you’ll never find out what happened to me
I got all my pretty little secrets
Can’t tell you
Ain't that what you call a liar?
To tell you the truth
I got all these nasty habits
Shove them underneath the mattress
Daddy told me I’m an actress
I don’t even have to practice
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “MY SECRET DIARY” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “MY SECRET DIARY” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
You’re reading through my diary
You found my coke and golden key
You can try but you’ll never find out what happened to me
I got all my pretty little secrets
Can’t tell you
Ain't that what you call a liar?
To tell you the truth
I got all these nasty habits
Shove them underneath the mattress
Daddy told me I’m an actress
I don’t even have to practice
Sadist sadist
Call me princess
Fuck me hard
And make me famous
Dirty rotting
Sticky corpse
Dissolving on the tile floor
Venom venom
Please inject me
Make me sick
And then dejected
Violence violence
Dark web
Hit list
Bring my camera
Sadist sadist
Call me princess
Fuck me hard
And make me famous
Dirty rotting
Sticky corpse
Dissolving on the tile floor
Venom venom
Please inject me
Make me sick
And then dejected
Violence violence
Dark web
Hit list
Bring my camera
Sadist sadist
Call me princess
Fuck me hard
And make me famous
Dirty rotting
Sticky corpse
DIssolving on the tile floor
Venom venom
Please inject me
Make me sick
And then dejected
Violence violence
Dark web
Hit list
Bring my camera
Sadist sadist
Call me princess
Fuck me hard
And make me famous
Dirty rotting
Sticky corpse
DIssolving on the tile floor
Venom venom
Please inject me
Make me sick
And then dejected
Violence violence
Dark web
Hit list
Bring my camera