Loso vs. Dialect by Premier Battles Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Loso vs. Dialect” by Premier Battles from the album Allstar Event (2018)? More than 150 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Loso vs. Dialect”.

Loso vs. Dialect en Lyrics [Premier Battles]
Loso vs. Dialect English Lyrics Album Allstar Event

Quote from the song “Loso vs. Dialect” by Premier Battles

You see, as a Christian rapper, I know you're expecting people to joke
But to me, it doesn't matter whether you're a Muslim, Christian, Sikh, or a Monk
I mean, all I know is that, my G watches me from above
So tonight, I'mma show bruv a different Dialect, and believe me, I ain't speakin' in tongues
Yeah, pussy, you must be mad if you think this clash would be easily won
I mean, this brother's fully blessed
But I'mma still put him to the test like, "What would Jesus have done?"
I mean, it's funny you claim you've held guns 'cause everyone else does
But that shit, to me, just seems pretty dumb
'Cause accepting the Lord God as thy shepherd, doesn't mean becoming one of the sheep you're amongst!
But fuck it!
If he wants heaters, then come
I don't care if he's grippin' the stainless
He could have a sub in his home, and I'd still put it on Lo' (low) like a considerate neighbour
I mean, the fact he was given a gift by the Saviour
Only means I'mma give it back once I send this bitch to his maker
I'll have him shakin' for minutes, thinkin' he's been slain in the Spirit when he gets hit with a taser!
I mean, why would you come overseas for this heat?
This ain't no trip to Jamaica
I got my punches on lock
So unless this


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Loso vs. Dialect lyrics [Premier Battles]

Premier Battles: Loso vs. Dialect Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Loso vs. Dialect”

Premier Battles - “Loso vs. Dialect” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Premier Battles will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Loso vs. Dialect?
  • Where is Loso vs. Dialect music video clip?
  • Who was in the Loso vs. Dialect official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Loso vs. Dialect?
  • What is the meaning of the song Loso vs. Dialect?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Loso vs. Dialect”

  • Featuring: Loso (Battle Rapper), Dialect
  • Produced: Flawless (Grime MC), SHOTTY HORROH, BisonBriggz, Bloodstro, Tox (Battle Rapper)
  • Written: Loso (Battle Rapper), Dialect
  • Recorded At: The Ruby Lounge, Manchester, England, UK
  • Release Date: December 1, 2018

Loso vs. Dialect lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Loso vs. Dialect lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Loso vs. Dialect” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Loso vs. Dialect” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Round 1: Dialect]

You see, as a Christian rapper, I know you're expecting people to joke
But to me, it doesn't matter whether you're a Muslim, Christian, Sikh, or a Monk
I mean, all I know is that, my G watches me from above
So tonight, I'mma show bruv a different Dialect, and believe me, I ain't speakin' in tongues
Yeah, pussy, you must be mad if you think this clash would be easily won
I mean, this brother's fully blessed
But I'mma still put him to the test like, "What would Jesus have done?"
I mean, it's funny you claim you've held guns 'cause everyone else does
But that shit, to me, just seems pretty dumb
'Cause accepting the Lord God as thy shepherd, doesn't mean becoming one of the sheep you're amongst!
But fuck it!
If he wants heaters, then come
I don't care if he's grippin' the stainless
He could have a sub in his home, and I'd still put it on Lo' (low) like a considerate neighbour
I mean, the fact he was given a gift by the Saviour
Only means I'mma give it back once I send this bitch to his maker
I'll have him shakin' for minutes, thinkin' he's been slain in the Spirit when he gets hit with a taser!
I mean, why would you come overseas for this heat?
This ain't no trip to Jamaica
I got my punches on lock
So unless this


come bob, then he's gettin' hit with a straightener
I mean, I love your passion
But if I wanted to hear a pussy rappin', I would've picked Iggy Azalea!
You're lucky I never came with a blade
Or you woulda got your face rearranged: that's Mr. Potato
But look at him so


, thinkin' he's greater!
One minute, actin' aggressive
And the next, in the church, askin' the pastor for blessings
And you see, it's that lack of respect that gradually stopped me feelin' Lo' (low) like an antidepressant
I mean, fam’, I’ve gotta give you daps for repentin’
But I’m still gonna ask you the question
What’s the point in pleading for mercy, when you just defeat the purpose with every clash that you step in?
And it’s funny, ‘cause you’ll get mad at every rapper that says it - you do
You’ll still come to every battle and chat about rappin’ and weapons
So that just shows to me you ain’t gettin’ the actual message
So just think, bro
For shit to hit home, sometimes you have to address it
So fuck this spastic and his plastic aggression!
I’ve had enough of this bitch!
He says, “Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can’t hold a gun in your grip.”
Well, yeah, that’d make sense, Loso, ‘cause back then, they didn’t fuckin’ exist!
I mean, how dumb is this prick?
I have no problem with the fact that his God is his weapon
But tonight, I’mma still control this body: that’s demonic possession!
You see, for my life, I’ve done a lot of reflectin’
See, you can’t judge me for not puttin’ God in a sentence
You just judge things at face value, and that’s why it’s easy to spot imperfections
So if it’s God you serve, I bet you’ll stop talkin’ ‘bout all of them Glocks you burst
‘Cause once you’re out here, spittin’ a Gospel verse
You can come to these blocks and learn
That me and my niggas stay clappin’ like the Pentecostal Church!

[Round 1: Loso]

I said, what up, Di’?
How many times tonight you gon’ shoot that rifle?
Well, how many times tonight you gon’ use the Bible?
Look, but why don’t I just prove what I do?
Every move insightful
And I came to bring hope to Di’ (die) like I’m suicidal
I told Shotty Horroh it’s a contradiction if you sneak the Reverend in
‘Cause I talk with precision, but will do Dialect worse than a speech impediment!
I’m better than everybody on that team!
Oh, you ready, savage?
They said he average, but knows (nose) ring presence: Lenny Kravitz
Not many have it, so get a classic
Or Di’ (die) in vain (vein): that’s a heavy addict!
What a deadly habit, to not ignore the fiction
But if I’m supposed to give this pro life, then why would I abort the mission?
Well, let’s sort the difference!
Tonight, try not to confuse your fanbase
He wanna hit me with the five, and then the pound: I knew the handshake
That’s why I came to lift (Lyft) you up like your Uber ran late
I assumed your mandate
Oh, you shootin’ cans? Wait...
The last time we saw Dialect wit’ the TECs (texts) was Google Translate!
Well, by now, you should know the Lord is beautiful
And this man’ll cure (manicure) more than a broken cuticle
You see, my writings, I could sell ‘em (Salem)
Which (Witch) Trial you want? I know The Crucible
Bodying you for everyone to see: it’s an open funeral!
That’s why I make every letter count like a Roman numeral!
Aye, I’ve been settin’ trends to all those alive
But I’m more Ryan Reynolds
‘Cause the dead pull (Deadpool) from me - I inspire devils
The way I use a pen a cool (pinnacle) way will get you to a higher level!
Oh, this guy’s a rebel!?
Well, let him touch me
Anything other than a handshake, and it’s over
I will throw Dialect into the crowd!
What? I’m just tryin’ to translate to the Culture!
Now both of us know that if we get violent, then it’s wrong
They tell me Dialect in the zone
If I see Dialect, then it’s on
Ain’t actions speak louder than words, right?
Good, ‘cause these hands got a dialect of their own!
I want to talk to you, Marcus, in a plethora of ways
Here’s the first part
Your career began with several battles that didn’t matter, probably the worst start
I mean, we saw you gettin’ bodied in this spot
We knew it from birth, Marc’ (birthmark)
They figured if they gave you a legend with drive, then they’ll earn heart (Dale Earnhardt)!
But you gotta learn art!
How don’t you get the picture!?
This was designed for your following, dawg
I mean, it seems kinda sketch, but let me illustrate how I model for y’all
I mean, when you a real artist, the stage is your canvas
Look! I got ‘em in awe!
‘Cause as soon as they penciled me in, they figured I was the draw!
Boy, you NOT cool in the States!
Who Y’ALL boo in this place!?
Man, you (U) been trash, and you kinda look like Lukaku in the face!
But you know what’s crazy?
That I’m the striker that read (Red) Devils like to be United
Funny - they wouldn’t stand wit’ me
Didn’t think I was gonna cook ‘em
I had a plan wit’ me: don’t spit filler
Midfielder: they knew I would get to brewin’ (De Bruyne) once I landed in this Man City!
And even though I am busy
I came all the way over here with charisma, punches, and a flow that’s cold
Boy, I knew you was gon’ lose Round 1
I just came here so you wouldn’t lose your soul!

[Round 2: Dialect]

Second round in, and


is lookin’ to 3-0
But fuck bein’ under-prepped
Trust me whether I’m fully in beast mode
This a testament to my old shit, so why’s it contestin’ wit’ these flows?
And only will ya look like Joseph...that TEC’ll colour (Technicolor) his Dreamcoat!
You see, I’m a vet that’s hungry, I’ll eat Loso
You’ll get a head concussion from these blows
But for you, I got a little extra somethin’ just because you pressed my buttons, like cheat codes!
You see, I guess God blessed another Latino
Because he left all of the thuggin’ like T-Bone
But fuck followin’ his steps!
I don’t need to check the bottom of his creps to look at this G soul (sole)
You see, to me, bro, you just talk like you walk a path of honesty
But if you were ordained, the church, they’d probably change your name to “Pastor Offering”
‘Cause whether it’s preachin’ or gettin’ Ps, all I know, this man’s been profiting (propheting)
I mean, honestly, me battlin’ you, it ain’t a privilege for a start
‘Cause fair enough, you’re relevant in your country, but you got no significance in ours
I guess it’s that oversized ego that’s got him thinkin’ he’s a star
In this bastard’s head, he’s an anorexic: you think you’re bigger than you are!
And that’s why I don’t like this spitter!
He tried changin’ his name, in hopes that it might make him bigger
He went to “@Loso_official”
But tell me, if Loso official, why’d ya get unverified on Twitter?
But fuck it, I’mma mind my business
Tell me...what rhymes with “did it for Jesus?”
Christian extremist!
I mean, fam’, you’re in a Christian gang, and I find that fact hilarious!
You call yourself “The Four Horsemen”
No wonder why man laugh and stare at ya!
But fuck A. Ward and Th3 Saga, fam’
I’ll slap the pair of ‘em
If I send this Horseman to the sky, then I guess that would make man a Sagittarian!
But I mean, callin’ yourself the “Four Horsemen” is a bit weird to me, mate
But who am I to judge? Blud does work in mysterious ways!
You see, if I was to see him and his pussy ol’ boys trainin’ ‘round the ends
I’d stuff ‘em all in the boot, just so I could take ‘em to their death
The last thing you’ll see is bare (bear) arms in (and) the trunk, like you’re praying to Ganesh!
I mean, basically bein’ friends wit’ your guys must be confusing and absurd
I mean, when you say to one of your homies, “Come to the booth and bring a verse”
They have no fucking clue whether you mean a studio or a church!
But enough of talkin’ loosely with the words!
‘Cause as gruesome as this third is, I could’ve wrote three more
Fair enough, I ain’t equipped with a gauge
But you can still watch this Christian get sprayed like Dior
Fuck it...time!