The House That Mercy Built by Point Of Grace Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “The House That Mercy Built” by Point Of Grace from the album The Whole Truth (1995)? More than 73 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The House That Mercy Built”.

The House That Mercy Built en Lyrics [Point Of Grace]
The House That Mercy Built English Lyrics Album The Whole Truth

Quote from the song “The House That Mercy Built” by Point Of Grace

A light in the distance
Welcomes those wayfaring souls
Come this far
A heart grows tired, faith grows cold
Wandering down the winding road
Just simply knock, the door will open

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The House That Mercy Built lyrics [Point Of Grace]

Point Of Grace: The House That Mercy Built Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “The House That Mercy Built”

  • Produced: Robert Sterling
  • Written: Grant Cunningham, Matt Huesmann
  • Lead Vocals: Terry Jones (CCM)
  • Release Date:

The House That Mercy Built lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: The House That Mercy Built lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “The House That Mercy Built”:

  • Produced: Robert Sterling
  • rn
  • Written: Grant Cunningham, Matt Huesmann
  • rn
  • Lead Vocals: Terry Jones (CCM)

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The House That Mercy Built” Released in 1995

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The House That Mercy Built” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

A light in the distance
Welcomes those wayfaring souls
Come this far
A heart grows tired, faith grows cold
Wandering down the winding road
Just simply knock, the door will open

There is a house that mercy built
There is a place where brokenness is healed
There is a voice saying peace be still
There is a house that mercy built

Mercy will find you
Though you've given up
In the middle of what seems like nowhere
He'll shelter you beneath His wing
His love will cover every need
Just simply seek and you will find

There is a house that mercy built
There is a place where emptiness is filled
There is a voice saying peace be still
There is a house that mercy built

There is a house that mercy built
With blood and tears
We've nothing left to fear
We live in grace
Here in the safe embrace of God
The mercy of God
There is a house that mercy built
There is a place where grace has been revealed
Oh, there is a voice saying peace be still
There is a house that mercy built
Oh, rest in the hope, rest in the peace
There is a house that mercy built